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Feck Claims Direct!

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Last year my mother was going back to the car in the local Morrisons when she caught her foot in a pot hole, pitching her into a car and bruising her. The hole had grass growing in it and was in the disabled car parking area (my mother is registered as disabled after spending a lifetime in nursing and bearing the knackered spine as a result, so far 6 operations on it)!


She fell forwards into another car, bruising her face and knees. An ambulance was called. She declined going to hospital as she was due to go back in for her sixth operation in a few weeks. A report was filled in the accident book and we took photos of the hole before and after they repaired it.


She decided to phone up a couple of these no win no fee things as she felt she was due something for kissing an X Trail. Their specialist solicitors said there was not a case worth pursuing.


I decided to complain directly to Morrisons head office, who passed me onto their solicitors, who accepted blame. They have since come back with an offer today, £1000! No hassle, dodgy physios or doctors to see, simply we offer you £1000 as full and final compensation. She said yes! Think I might be getting an upgraded Christmas pressie!

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oh right sorry bud i didnt read it properly.you knocked back from the insurance companies.,my bad


Well read it next time stupid.


FFS some people.



























































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that the reason insurances are sky high ,all people claiming when they havent really got a serious injury.a mate of mine got hit up the rear,thier was a tiny tiny dent,hes claiming whiplash.pathetic.


Ooo err! :laugh:

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It's cheaper to just pay anyone who even has half a chance of a case.....no hassle, pay the grand and get on with life


No the hole was that bad they had to fill it, they had to admit they had failed in duty of care. My mother is happy with the compensation offered, Morrisons will be happy they do not have to pay vulture lawyer fees, and the idiots who decided no case have since been informed of what happened!


If you are going to rub salt in the wound make sure it is rock salt!

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Sad state of affairs imo and I'd be ashamed to spend that money.... tripped over and genuinely hurt herself than fair play..... slight brushing FFS.....what next?? Suing someone who bumps into you in the street?? Maybe take the council to court as I fell over on the football pitch while having a kick about??? If she damaged the cars who pays for them???

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