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Hello there.


I'm a 53 year old farm and land manager, soon to be 54. I live in south central scotland. I shoot, stalk and work my dogs and have done this since I was a wee boy.


My first shooting was with a borrowed (from an older cousin) Diana .177, at the age of eight. My uncle was a farmer and he gave me a "contract" to control vermin in his potato store and his collie dog helped me with any runners :-D . I've been shooting and stalking, accompanied by some dog, or dogs, or other ever since. Two terriers and a lab at the moment, I've a lot of stalking and foxing ground around my hom and I'm in a stalkiing syndicate up near Inverness. I used to be in a pheasant shoot too, but money only goes so far.


I'm also keen on conservation, making ponds for wildlife, trees and tree planting (including christmas trees) growing my own veg to eat with my own shot game, a little bit of cooking, making country wines and beer and bio-dieseling. I've also been into cars ever since I was a teenager and have rebuilt and repaired all my own motors all my driving career. My pet MGB and ancient land rover let me keep my hand in... them being BL products and all... means plenty practice :-)


My missus is a nurse and my kids are all grown up with babies of their own now... three grandsons... three future countrymen? :-)


And that's pretty much who I am and where I'm coming from. Passionate about the countryside and country pursuits and issues in general,


Atb~Tom (a.k.a. Tamus)

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