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Hints and tips needed!

Ginger shooter

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Any one got any tips or hints to get a harris hawk off rabbit! Took mine out yesterday had 1st rabbit nailed it! But trying to get her off was a right pain in the arse! Tried persuading her off with chick but didn't have it even tried covering her with towel but still didn't let go! 30mins later she gave up! Any ideas???

Cheers Lorne

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is it a young bird mate or one you have bought in? I usually let young birds gorge on kills at least a full crop sometimes I leave the carcass in the mews if they resting the next day, and generally try to stick to one kill per outing,


to remove from kill use a decent 'trade off' a chick will look crap compared to lungs and heart of a rabbit so its gotta be worth birds attention or it will feel cheated, some use there bags to cover kill as they trade off, I take a piece of cloth, old black tea towel lol use it to cover corpse as you divert birds attention to trade off piece , slowyly does it especially if they got sticky feet, I try to get there before they break into the corpse to feed, sort of making it easier for the bird to feed

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Cheers for that mate ill give that ago next time I go out!! I bought her in at the age of 5 back in July but she was in moult then so couldn't do much with her! Plus she didn't have much done with her but don't get me wrong she's comming along great now but she was just a pain in the arse yesterday trying to get her off rabbit lol wouldn't get that much rabbits ferriting if it was like that every time lol

Cheers lorne

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Well done on the catch anyway.

As has been said, a fair trade off must be a help.

Its probably like trying to swap a brussel sprout with your kid for the bag of tangy sweets he has in his hand, lol


Dont some people get the bird used to going for a piece of meat etc that they throw on the ground and then cover the carcass quick.


As you said, it was the first kill you had with the bird since you have had it, perhaps it needs to build up more trust in you, knowing you are going to give it a fair trade off rather than just robbing it of its hard earned meal, lol.


Read also that a lot of people do let the bird have a crop full before they take it away.

At least that way the bird dont get fed up of chacing down something they aint gonna get to eat.

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Well done mate,slowly does it,remember she will be pumped after a tussle with a grown bunny,if I wanted to take my last fhh off a kill quickly I used to cover the rabbit,then chuck a white mouse out to the side,she would have flown from australia for a white mouse,of course thats ok until your bird nails a bunny in thick cover,then you cant do it,but slowly does it,let her tattoo the first few she gets,no looking back now bud.

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  On 19/11/2012 at 08:30, arcticgun said:
I usually let young birds gorge on kills at least a full crop sometimes I leave the carcass in the mews if they resting the next day, and generally try to stick to one kill per outing,


to remove from kill use a decent 'trade off' a chick will look crap compared to lungs and heart of a rabbit so its gotta be worth birds attention or it will feel cheated, some use there bags to cover kill as they trade off, I take a piece of cloth, old black tea towel lol use it to cover corpse as you divert birds attention to trade off piece , slowyly does it especially if they got sticky feet, I try to get there before they break into the corpse to feed, sort of making it easier for the bird to feed


Mr Gun said it all first, lol

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Hi feed her up on the first few kills as said, so she know you won't rob her! I use a large cut of leather that covers the whole rabbit! If you can slip a bag under and around the rabbit, I place a good reward chunk of food a just out of reach so she has to let go to get the tip bit. As soon as scoop the rabbit in to bag and job done.



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