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Out today, with the team.

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Went out today with johnnyboy to try for a few rabbits on some land we have been asked to clear. We have not been to this section before, so it was a bit of a recce, to see what was what. We had young Tom and johns step daughter Caitlin with us, Luna, Gem and FInn and a few ferrets.


We met up with our friend and had a walk about the first spot for the day, having a bit of a catch up. Pretty soon Finn nailed a mixy rabbit sat out from the edge, and that was all we found at the first place.


We jumped in the car and drove a little way up the road to try the second spot we had been requested to look at that day. Dogs out of the car and hunting up and we soon had our first mark on a big ruble pile that had soil dumped over it. We netted as best we could and tipped in the ypung toms two ferrets. We heard some bumping and then quiet, we located the ferrets and after a while, one came out, obviously unable to get to what the other could. A bit of side ways digging and we eventially broke through about 3-4 foot, and out came ferret and the rabbit, then another, and another :thumbs:


We mooched on, and eventually got a mark around some holes under big oaks, in the middle of a deep ploughed field. We decided to bolt to the dogs, despite the very tough ground. In went Toms two and the first rabbit bolted and eventually left cover, young tom was a little slow releasing finn :tongue2: and the rabbit just made saftey in a far hedge as finn crashed in behind. Dogs back and the second bolted, this time FInn picked it up.


We carried on, and soon Luna was marking like a statue. Its an odd sight, she freezes stock still staring at the rabbit sat tight in cover, and then darts in an usualy picks it up, this time however it made off through the cover and broke across the field, just beating the dogs to the same set we had just ferreted, we decided to bolt it for them again, but unfortunatly it had other ideas and it stuck about 4 foot or so under the tree. We dug down, got the ferret, but couldnt reach the bunny.


We mooched on for a bit but didnt come up with much, getting no marks. We headed back the way we came and on the way, i found a metal bar. Determined to get the lost bunny, i sent the others on and went back to the tree and probed like feck around the roots, until u broke through somewhere i could retrieve the rabbits :thumbs:


Nearly back to where we started, we got a mark on another rubble pile, and some old sleepers in some heavy cover, we netted what we could and entered two jills, a pair of rabbits bolted out of gaps in the rubble and the dogs couldnt get a run in the cover, but tracked them to another large set again in tight cover on a bank.


We decided to do this and call it a day, so we netted up, which was painful (stingy nettles) and dropped three jills in. Quite quicky the action started, with rabbits bolting fast, seven into nets and two caught by finn, one yards from the hole and the cover which skipped a net, after a cracking run :thumbs:


TWo ferrets showed, but my polecat jill (the sticker) was missing. A look with the disco carrot revealed she was 4foot down,easy! Well, until we hit the roll of chainlink fence and concrete two foot down! After a fecking nightmare we got the ferret out, but the dead rabbit wasnt going anywhere!


All in alla really enjoyable day, nice to see the younguns at it and i was really pleased with Finn who had settled right back down and was running really well :thumbs:


A big thanks to our friend for the invite :thumbs:































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Aye it was shit. Not the first time we have had it though. Need to put a wire cutters in the motor. The worst we have ever had was digging through a buried car about 8 foot down. I wasnt too stressed about it today though because ive recently seen some holes dug that put it in perspective :thumbs:

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  On 18/11/2012 at 22:27, Ideation said:

Aye it was shit. Not the first time we have had it though. Need to put a wire cutters in the motor. The worst we have ever had was digging through a buried car about 8 foot down. I wasnt too stressed about it today though because ive recently seen some holes dug that put it in perspective :thumbs:

Nee bother if ya like diggin mate :laugh:

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Many thanks to you and johnny for your hard work and young Caitlin and Tom for helping out, great to see the young ones out getting involved, your work is keeping the landowner happy and you are more than welcome anytime, I'll pop out this week to find some more for you, thanks again lads, speak soon




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Was a good day out if not for numbers but for enjoyment, the young uns enjoyed themselves again and young Toms ferts worked really well so he was buzzing.


Big thanks to Cal for giving us this land and hopefully when some of this cover dies back we can put a dent in the critter numbers.


@Joel you'd be surprised how often I do dig, I didn't dig when I came up yours as I wasa guest. :tongue2::D

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