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Doomsday are u prepared

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There is a programme on sky right now called doomsday preppers and is basically about Americans that think the world as we know it is coming too an end run out of oil emp nuke attacks every thing u can think off and I was wondering what u think would happen too are country if some thing like that we're too happen in this country u think u know enuf of being able too live of the land no cars no elec back too the stone age how many of use think u could survive show has def got me thinking any way

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take pg tips away and we are done for

I knew it ! I just feckin knew it !!

Scot, just put some factor 50 on and you'll be fine. Bit of radiation didn't hurt anybody.   With a bit of luck I'd come out of it with a good tan and a superpower!

There is a programme on sky right now called doomsday preppers and is basically about Americans that think the world as we know it is coming too an end run out of oil emp nuke attacks every thing u can think off and I was wondering what u think would happen too are country if some thing like that we're too happen in this country u think u know enuf of being able too live of the land no cars no elec back too the stone age how many of use think u could survive show has def got me thinking any way

no need the corner shop will always be there just like rats and mice they are natural survivors :whistling:
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There is a programme on sky right now called doomsday preppers and is basically about Americans that think the world as we know it is coming too an end run out of oil emp nuke attacks every thing u can think off and I was wondering what u think would happen too are country if some thing like that we're too happen in this country u think u know enuf of being able too live of the land no cars no elec back too the stone age how many of use think u could survive show has def got me thinking any way

wouldnt do no harm to have a few bits would it.
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U don't think the country would go into chaos if we ran out of oil or elec I mean how many townies u think would actually starve not even knowing how too gut rabbits even being able too grow tatties u think this country could sustain all the folk in this country if we dint have oil

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U don't think the country would go into chaos if we ran out of oil or elec I mean how many townies u think would actually starve not even knowing how too gut rabbits even being able too grow tatties u think this country could sustain all the folk in this country if we dint have oil

this country would need to loose roughly half its population to be able to sustain itself food wise, everything else heat, light ect would have to come second to food.
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There is a programme on sky right now called doomsday preppers and is basically about Americans that think the world as we know it is coming too an end run out of oil emp nuke attacks every thing u can think off and I was wondering what u think would happen too are country if some thing like that we're too happen in this country u think u know enuf of being able too live of the land no cars no elec back too the stone age how many of use think u could survive show has def got me thinking any way

wouldnt do no harm to have a few bits would it.

well it has made me think about my dogs more then any thing knowing I could have meat every day with them just too think of the huge city population that would come rushing too the country side cos of food shortages I could imagine lots of fighting and killing
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Do you even think that it would work like that I think this country would tear it self apart and u would end up fighting for what food u have in ur cubard Cos hardly any of the population would know how too farm or even make drinkable water

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In the event of nuclear war/attack a dog or tatty growing skills wont make a blind bit of difference lol..we'll all be crispy bacon ...as for the peak oil scenario....it'll be the rich and influencial with the prime plots just like its always been throughout history..you'd be kidding yourself to think otherwise..atb stabba

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In the event of nuclear war/attack a dog or tatty growing skills wont make a blind bit of difference lol..we'll all be crispy bacon ...as for the peak oil scenario....it'll be the rich and influencial with the prime plots just like its always been throughout history..you'd be kidding yourself to think otherwise..atb stabba

thank fook ive stocked up on brown sauce :laugh: :laugh:
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U don't think the country would go into chaos if we ran out of oil or elec I mean how many townies u think would actually starve not even knowing how too gut rabbits even being able too grow tatties u think this country could sustain all the folk in this country if we dint have oil

this country would need to loose roughly half its population to be able to sustain itself food wise, everything else heat, light ect would have to come second to food.

Time to get all the illegals and even legal 'immigrants' out then! slim down our population a fair bit and put some money back in the coffers instead of spunking it on them!!

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