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Gordon Brown

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Now Tony Bliar has gone :clapping:, whats your views on the new guy Mr Gordon Brown? for what its worth Here's my two peneths worth. The guy seems to be completley out of the same mould as Bliar in many ways so don't expect anything to get better cause it Won't!! neither of them could give a damn about Country sports as a whole so don't expect any support there either, the other thing we all need to remember is the X - Chancellor has been lieing to us for years with his Budgets and false economy so why should we beleive the garbige he comes out with now he's the PM....





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The thing is with this guy is he likes to press all the wrong buttons and piss people off! he used to get away with it while he was chancellor as the PM took the can for the party, its a different story now as he will bear the brunt! the guy is hell bent on the self destruct button which will hopefully nail him at the next general election :yes:....





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