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help withe demodex mange please

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hi all i recently purchased a patterdale pup.

cracking little pup had her about a month when i got her noticed a few scabs on her head and a small bald patch thoutht nowt of it slowly got worsed so had a look on net.

turns owt all the symptoms look like demodex mange small scabs fur loss around eyes legs and mouth

and scabs.

so of i went to local vet which told me that they could not treat it as had to find out what it was so had a skin scrape to find out it was what i said.

so they sent me home with some auldex mange and mite wash and some advocate all in all cost £105

and wanted me to go back next day to buy more stuff of them to treat all my dogs aginst it but turns out all dogs carry it anyway but some just havent got the imune system to cope with it.

so looks like i have been had so could anybody tell what else will clear it up.

if what i have been flogged dont work cheers

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The best treatment is panamec at 600mcg/kg orally daily for about 8 weeks, not expensive but most effective treatment of all. BUT this product is not licensed for this treatment, but if your vet rings the company and checks he /she will find a lot of information re treatment not only of demodecosis but also sarcoptic mange as well.

You may need blood test to check liver function. This is a toxic product, but demodex is a b*****d to treat.


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