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Quick mooch

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Decided to take buster my youngest ferret out the day about 11 clock for a quick mooch with a handfull of nets and the mutt seen as it was a nice day and i was bored lol . Just went on the backfields from mine so not far to travel plus the mutt could get sum exercise to .

Started on a nice little 8 holer in a bit hedge line .






Buster collared up and entered to ground and i sat back on the bow back box and had a tab . Not long and there was summit going on down there as the mutt was listening intentley






Finished me smoke and weighted a little longer before getting the disco stick out . A could here rumbling so quick check with the carrot and got a mark about 4 foot and he was staying there . So oot with the spade and the 1st dig of the season was on :laugh: was about half way down when a heard a bolt at the furthest hole . The mutt sprang into action and pinned it in the net :toast: well done boy .

Back to the dig and not long i was into the tube and could see the ferret






Rabbit was dead in the tube so quickly removed it and the big fella




With no more rabbits at home picked up the purse nets and moved further along were the mutt had been looking




Nice little 4 holer to do so nets on and buster in .




Pretty much straight away there was a bolt but not into the purse nets . About 15 feet away from the 4 main holes there was a tiny bolt hole which id missed :huh: doh . Well lucky bugs hopefully get him next time . So decided 2 would do ferret had a bit work out dog had a bit run aboot and i was ready for a cuppa :yes: .Just a few more pics of a enjoyable hour out atb FV :thumbs:





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