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Ive just got a BSA Lightening XL with a Hawke 3-9x40 MAP reticule scope. Its firing about 2 inches too low and about an inch to the left at the target. I was just wondering is this the best I'll get? And how can I make it spot on? Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Its firing about 2 inches too low and about an inch to the left at the target.



Relative piece of piss, Juls! ;) While I'm not personally familiar with the exact scope ye using; Assuming the scope's solidly mounted? Just unscrew the plastic knob on top and there'll be a little dial there. It should have little marks like a clock face all round it and arrows indicating up and down. Give it a couple of clicks in the Up direction (may need a penny coin to turn it. More tasty scopes are finger turnable). Then get a good, solid and steadily braced aim at the bull and bang away some more. Five shots is the proscribed method.


Examine the target and see where that's got ye. Ye see what I'm getting at? One or two clicks. Five shots. See what differance it's made. Keep at it till ye have the height corrected. Then pop that plastic cover back on and take off the side one. Start again, same proceedure, till ye drag the 'Zero' right that inch.


And, with every shot, have a little smile to yeself as ye think: " Ha, haa, Ditch Shitter ye b*stard! That's just cost me 'Nothing'! Bet you're sick as f*ck that doing that would have cost you 60p!' :laugh: That'll keep ye happy as ye go through the often tedious business of 'Zeroing' probably the best damn air rifle ye'll ever posess!


My god; How I miss my beloved Lightning XL! :cry:

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OLC is bang on the manual hes on about, .......... I was tring to load it up as I think it would make a good sticky but photo bucket only does pics & vids :thumbdown:


One thing I will point out that I sometimes forget is to...........Remove the protective covers from the turrets. Turn the elevation turret clockwise until it

comes to a stop. Then, turn it anticlockwise, counting the total number of revolutions and

final part-revolution, until it comes to a stop, e.g: 6 1/2 turns. Divide this number by 2 and

wind the scope back clockwise by this new number. Repeat for the windage turret. The

scope will now be at, or very close to, optical centre.


its all here ..........http://fticampania.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/bfta_setup_manual.pdf :big_boss::drink:

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