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I bought a clulight for my first lamp for £120 with the battery but it was too small and just ad to buy a bigger one 170 light force so if you can try get the bigger one so you don't av to buy twice that if you haven't already got one I wish someone would have told me and saved me £120.

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A lad put up some good lamping advise on about a month ago it was to do when lamping and what not to do it helped me.its not a case of turning lamp on there a skill to it. I'm a beginner myself so I hope some experience lads can put on some useful tips for use newbys.

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I do agree it is a good lamp but with a bigger one your will be witnessing it at 150 yards away

I used a Clulite for several years .got on ok with it. One good feature was the little walking light,good for opening gates, putting the dog back on a slip etc.

I use a Lazer lite now , good beam , but the wiring is crap.

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