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Len French.

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That Assets Recovery Agency is the harsh bit, they invent a figure that they reckon you've profited from your alleged crime then hit you with the bill, and seize your property if you don't pay.


It doesn't even have to go through the Criminal Court first ................. :no:

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Guest markbrick1
knew him well back in the early 80s and hes had his run with dodging the authorites,but dont a few people :whistling:



"let he who hath no sin cast the first stone"

and what do you mean by that jack,

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just what is says? we have all fallen fowl of the rules at times, but everyone is jumping on the band wagon on this one, acting whiter than white.


i take it you never went to church? lol.


it wasnt directed at you.

Edited by thurso jack
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The "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" incident is one of the most well-known lessons of the Bible. A woman, who had been caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus Christ by the scribes and Pharisees as a test to see if the Messiah was a liberal in matters of the Law of God. In response to their deceitful query, He didn't condemn the woman, not because He was a liberal, not because He condoned her sin, but because the men who brought the woman to Him were Hypocrites. He was the only person there that day who was free of sin, the only one who had the right to "cast the first stone." He didn't stone her (or her accusers), but instead forgave her and told her to "sin no more." Otherwise, the day is coming when she, if she didn't thereafter repent, won't be stoned, but will be burned - along with the hypocrites who brought her to Him that day, if they didn't thereafter repent of their sin

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bought a load of stuff of len over the years, never dogs mind, but a dont no what all the fuss is about really, at the end of the day its a hell of a lot cheaper than the vets prices. but having said that someone having over a 100 lurchers is nothing but a peddler, a new he bought and sold a lot of shit but not on that scale

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Guest baldie

They wont make half of those charges stick. For one, its not illegal to practise vetrinary medicine, or procedure,s on someone else,s animal, PROVIDING you dont charge for the service, so they need proof, he was paid. Anyone can buy prescription animal drugs, without a prescription, from abroad...its legal, not sure about selling them on though. I,ll bet the b*****d squad will be shoving their nose in shortly, seeing as he had over a hundred dogs.

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supply and demand, but at the end of the day ,if you f**k around with the vat man ,and british customs theyll give you enough rope then hang you with it....who doesent want drontal and jabs etc..cheaper than the extortionante vet prices, i feckin do,he knew the risks,but sounds like he got a tad greedy. B)

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