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Switching on

Dranny GLC

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I'm just dropping my male Harris hawks weight after coming through the molt.he is last years clutch and hadnt switched on before he started molting. Has anyone none of a Harris that never switches on to hunt rabbits or will it come with time ? It goes for the lure everytime it just didn't go for the real thing.

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As with everything, it will probably come with time!

Have patients with him.

Can you not take him out with other handlers and their birds and let him see them work.

You may be surprised that it will take to it all when its ready!

What are you using as a lure?

Use something it will relate to such as a rabbit skin if you are going for cottontails, and so on.


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Then ill give him 2 tomorrow his flying weight is about 1.5 but I wanting at his hunting weight which is about 1.3. But I will get to that over a couple of weeks


what was his fat weight 1.3 seems a bit low males need a bit of weight on them to take them and fitness is the key its a bit late now the rabbits are quite strong this time of year put the work in on his fitness and try and ferret a few for him good luck

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Hello there. have you felt his keel - is he sharp? Harris's are very good at looking like they r on weight but they rnt. Please note I am not advising dropping his weight as so many other factors can have a bearing but it is worth checking the keel. You say that he takes the lure but does he hit a rabbit carcass? Even the way the carcass moves is different to the real thing. Rabbits run and jump whereas lures and carcass's just slither. My female had me pulling my hair out as she just sat and watched the real thing but wouldnt hit carcass's. eventually she found one she liked and took it and has never looked back.

regards ian

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Last time I checked his weight he was at 1.8 and been eating a full rabbit. When I was flying him before he went into molt I was flying him at 1.3 and he was coming in fast. But when I nocked a rabbit up out of a bush he just looked at it.


So what weight is he now when you are flying him?? If you were flying at 1.3 before the moult then at 1.8 it is possible that he isn't ready yet at that weight. Harris's are often thought of as lazy because they fly to their owners at weights which are far higher than their hunting weight. Please dont just drop his weight because I have posted this though. Sorry dont know your level of experiance. Have you felt his keel and do you know how? Have you hunted a harris before? Do you know any one who can assess the birds condition for you? If you know all this then sorry for questions.


Feel free to pm me if you wish or send me your phone number as it can be easier to discuss than type.



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Stoaty what's your females weight?? Weighed mine last night she's at 2lb1.8

Cheers lorne


2.1 if memory serves. Havent had her going this season as too much cover still on my permission yet for ferretting.

She is on the raptor post now manning down again.

Cant wait as the season is half gone.


Hows your female doing?

regards ian

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Yeh she's doing great she off the creance it was just me being a big girl I think! She was being a pain on rabbit lure till I tied a chick to it and ran, she followed now she on it like a rocket! Haven't tried her on the real thing yet! But there's plenty about but as you said still over grown! Weighed her last night she's still at 2lb18


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