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hi mate put your photos on your computer or lap top then go to more reply options then to brows then go to your photos select what one you want press open then atach this photo and your photo shud come on but you may have to resize them if you have to do this then go to edit photos on your photos that you have put on your comp or lap top then resize them and start again hope this helps atvbmac PS im staying out of this for now just trying to help him prove who he is one way or the other

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As far as I'm concerned sureshot.177 you have nothing to prove to anyone. I cannot for the life of me see how the spat involving you and Buster seemed to just "Appear" from nothing. Please don't go exposing personal info openly here mate, you never know who might be reading it among the "Guest" viewers.


Now, everyone. Shake hands in spirit :drinks: and end this paranoia that has sprung up about the Graham clan. They'll be pissing themselves laughing if they could see this. It's been embarrassing enough!



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As far as I'm concerned sureshot.177 you have nothing to prove to anyone. I cannot for the life of me see how the spat involving you and Buster seemed to just "Appear" from nothing.


As far as i was concerned , i was`nt involved .......



I had a PM this morning Tittled `Im not who you think i am ` .......................



All my emails come to my phone , so i read it and it said ...........


0xxxxxxxxx3 ring me if you'd like can you text first I don't answer numbers I don't no



I was not involved , but sadly this guy felt the need to have to justify himself .



Now to me it looked Over the Top , almost like a Graham trick , how they go on and on about not being one of them , but what do you say ?


This guy contacted me from nowhere and wanted to contact someone to prove who he is .


Fair play i say , seems he`s spoke to Davey , and it all seems ok , only thing is ......................


Do we make new members feel like this ??? Cause if we do then we all need to take a long hard look at how we come across ......

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