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It seems no matter who I discuss imigration with we always come to the same conclusion, everyone in reality can see whats happening and more importantly, what needs to be done, yet the Govrernment fail to.


Its tragic thats for sure. but theres no going back now.


ATB Living in hope D

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Get political. Vote ukip every one start flying the union flag out side your home. Wake up

I fear for the next generation and just hope they will not be saying why didnt you do something , Every were i go and every one i speak to are sick to the back teeth of poles ,romanians etc etc eve

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Get political. Vote ukip every one start flying the union flag out side your home. Wake up


we need to do something , unfortunately the problems that now face this country will need the firm hand of an extreme right wing leadership

the politicians are a shower of shit and of no help to the people (indiginous variety)

we will just have to wait untill the benefits and handouts are frozen for everyone and people stop being fat cats before anything will be done

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This fecker is here on a False Passport , that alone should have him Thrown Out , And to think people slate Nick Griffin , for his opinion on what's going wrong , I think those who do will 1 day look back and realise he was right , I'm not saying everything he says is right but his views on these issues mirror most on here , Jack Straw was praised for saying there was a problem with Muslim men abusing young white girls . . . Once they had been arrested and charged , he said NOTHING BEFORE . . . Though maybe he didn't know it was happening ;( , the same Jack Straw who tried Abusing Griffin on Question Time , Griffins reply stumped him "My Father during the War was a fighter Pilot in the RAF , Your Father Mr Straw was Locked Up for REFUSING TO FIGHT , I think that alone gives me a right to Speak , as My Father ACTUALLY FOUGHT FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH" . . Oh I and you wouldn't want Straw's brother baby sitting , another Fecking Nonce protected by the State , like his son Cautioned for drug dealing , Though Surely Jack wouldn't of had a hand in that . . . MUCH !

Edited by lanesra
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Instead of bitching about it on an online forum, why don't you do something about it ?


For example: He's always out in public, on the march or addressing his flock, and I'm sure a number of you have high powered rifles... if you sat down and thought about it, he could end up with his brains all over the pavement.


Because the politics angle sure ain't gonna work.

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Politics won't save England now. Didn't jack straw get quoted as saying the English are a people not worth saving when addressing a mosque. If any one does owt they will go the way as Anders brevik the control of the media is everything in situations like ours

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Problem with this country is all down to the fact that it is being run by a bunch of spineless public schoolboys. Why do they listen to the rulings of the european court, just over ride the decision and deport the scumbag, 90 plus percent want him deported isnt there any one in this goverment with the balls to ignore the rulings of the european beuracrats. :hmm:

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Instead of bitching about it on an online forum, why don't you do something about it ?


For example: He's always out in public, on the march or addressing his flock, and I'm sure a number of you have high powered rifles... if you sat down and thought about it, he could end up with his brains all over the pavement.


Because the politics angle sure ain't gonna work.

i fully intend to do something about it at the next election - I'm voting UKIP and would suggest anyone else pissed off with the way we're being forced to put up with the dregs of the world because go the ECHR do the same.. :thumbs:
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Instead of bitching about it on an online forum, why don't you do something about it ?


For example: He's always out in public, on the march or addressing his flock, and I'm sure a number of you have high powered rifles... if you sat down and thought about it, he could end up with his brains all over the pavement.


Because the politics angle sure ain't gonna work.


feel free to do it then.im sure you will go down in folklore.f**k they will prob write a song about you

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Instead of bitching about it on an online forum, why don't you do something about it ?


For example: He's always out in public, on the march or addressing his flock, and I'm sure a number of you have high powered rifles... if you sat down and thought about it, he could end up with his brains all over the pavement.


Because the politics angle sure ain't gonna work.


feel free to do it then.im sure you will go down in folklore.f**k they will prob write a song about you

somebody already did :laugh:
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