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Our new ferrets!


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Nice to see you've got the ferrets at last.

The old man is looking very paternal! Be warned...you'll be amazed at how high they can climb and how quick they are to leave home and explore the neighbourhood.....ferrets,not the other half!!!

Well done. :thumbs: Mooster

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I can really see Enzo being the type to drag the bunnies out from the burrow!

Wish I could pick them out like that lol! :tongue2:


I wouldnt feed dry at all, Thats what I fed at first , it really is crap :no: Look at the posts here about feeding ferrets 99% of people feed raw. Obviously feed what you like, it was just my experiance that mine seem alot better on meat :thumbs-up:


You will enjoy working them and so will they, much more than anything else, its what they are supposed to do :victory: It can be nerve racking at first though, fine once you get used to it.


Good luck with them, they look nice :clapper:

Edited by Hob&Jill
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you have hit the nail on the head there they are babies so will do as babies do eat sleep poop and play in that order they use a lot of there energy to grow this energy is best conserved while sleeping so they will do a lot of it i also feed mine james wellbeloved its just there for them if they want it they mostly eat raw but do eat the dry sometimes i think this is when there bodies are lacking somthing as the dry has all the vits and mins added

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were they not weaned on meat by the breeder then ? get them on at least 4 meat meals a day or in 48 hours you will be posting asking for advice on how to stop the biting, raw meat . they will wolf it down & liven up a bit , they look awfully young so will need extra care untill there fully independent.


good luck with them there beautifull :victory:

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