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been thinking of getting a wippetx grey, anyone got any pics of any?

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3/4 grey 1/4 whippet bitch, 25 (ish) tts  

One of mine, 1st cross whip/grey.

first cross whipp/grey 25tts takes anything thats put in front of him, nearly 7 and still going strong no major injuries and doesnt tear easy as some say    

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Stunning pics. These dogs really do look like athletes :thumbs:


How is the x for stamina?

Stunning pics. These dogs really do look like athletes :thumbs:


How is the x for stamina?

Shite near all heavy greyhound or whippet saturated lurchers or long dog to long dog cross running dogs have shite stamina and lack wind a good fit animal will have decent recovery time but next to a lurcher to lurcher bred animal bred with wind etc in mind they alway do look poor
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Do salukixgreyxwhippets lack stamina?Only ask as this cross interests me

Do salukixgreyxwhippets lack stamina?Only ask as this cross interests me

i wouldnt say so who knows with gene's but there bred on a similar principle as coursing bred dogs so they should have stamina and wind a saluki is about the only sighthound that will put wind and stamina in imo
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Stunning pics. These dogs really do look like athletes :thumbs:


How is the x for stamina?

not the best but it depends on how much work you put in to help a bit but thay make up for that has rabbits dont get far


theve not got the stamia off other breeds,,,,there speed wont allow that ,,be great if they could have stamia off a sulki ,,,speed off a whip/grey ,,lol


depends on there bulit and size when speaking about whip/greys ,,,aswell as fittness,,,,heavy set type,,,in theroy wont have the stamia ,,,off a leggy ,lighter same sized one


i find the smaller they are,,,,the quicker to burn out on longer runs,,,but not the case if just doing rabbits


not the best nose,,,on them,,,but neither is a pure whippet ,,,none off them rank that high in nose department in the dog world


seen lurchers blow out there arse on some runs too before the whipxgrey,,,also seen it other way also,,,fittness has a say in it on the day,,and like wise the breed does to,,,,but u can have sulkix grey,,,if its not fitt or kept in unhealthy condtion ,,,it will blow up


p,s delboy not doing the non ped thing next year got baby on way next few weeks ,,,so iam fecked for a year or two again

Edited by whip x grey
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Stunning pics. These dogs really do look like athletes :thumbs:


How is the x for stamina?

not the best but it depends on how much work you put in to help a bit but thay make up for that has rabbits dont get far


theve not got the stamia off other breeds,,,,there speed wont allow that ,,be great if they could have stamia off a sulki ,,,speed off a whip/grey ,,lol


depends on there bulit and size when speaking about whip/greys ,,,aswell as fittness,,,,heavy set type,,,in theroy wont have the stamia ,,,off a leggy ,lighter same sized one


i find the smaller they are,,,,the quicker to burn out on longer runs,,,but not the case if just doing rabbits


not the best nose,,,on them,,,but neither is a pure whippet ,,,none off them rank that high in nose department in the dog world


seen lurchers blow out there arse on some runs too before the whipxgrey,,,also seen it other way also,,,fittness has a say in it on the day,,and like wise the breed does to,,,,but u can have sulkix grey,,,if its not fitt or kept in unhealthy condtion ,,,it will blow up


p,s delboy not doing the non ped thing next year got baby on way next few weeks ,,,so iam fecked for a year or two again

i have not bin doing it for 2 years now they dont like it when you dont go evrey week and turn up when you can and win
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some old photo,s i think might have put on here before ,,,dugs were young then i think white/parti was still a pup in most off her photos,,barr a couple



young bitch crush ,,who is out off wifes dug











:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

haymin trying to look hard , holding a skinny wee dug,,,, :laugh: :laugh:




Edited by whip x grey
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