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"FISHEYE" a short film about wildlife

Guest gm33

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without doubt,some good nature footage,but 3 years for that :icon_eek: terrible acting,and the story was a waste of time,if you can get those sort of nature shots,id stick to that :drink: Barry Norman,whos he :big_boss:


Hi there jacob


I shot the film on a shoestring, hense 3yrs to make, and I never gave up untill finished.

thanks for your feedback



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I used to make video's of enduro races and I know how hard and time consuming it is to get the video to flow smoothly :yes:


:clapper: I thought that was very well done mate, More tales of the un expected than midsomer murders me thinks :D


Half expected Attenborough to start talking when the fox was mooching through the field :drink:


have you got a plan for another film ?

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I used to make video's of enduro races and I know how hard and time consuming it is to get the video to flow smoothly :yes:


:clapper: I thought that was very well done mate, More tales of the un expected than midsomer murders me thinks :D


Half expected Attenborough to start talking when the fox was mooching through the field :drink:


have you got a plan for another film ?


Hi there RatSnatcher, I would love to make another film, but being an independant filmmaker and having ideas that are not the norm, I struggle to get them made, but truck on regardless, you understand the logistics of filmmaking and it aint easy without a budget, but I get stuck in and will soon make another film which is my passion. "WHAT'S MONEY" "Success is a man that gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do"




All the best, and thanks for your feedback.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I used to make video's of enduro races and I know how hard and time consuming it is to get the video to flow smoothly :yes:


:clapper: I thought that was very well done mate, More tales of the un expected than midsomer murders me thinks :D


Half expected Attenborough to start talking when the fox was mooching through the field :drink:


have you got a plan for another film ?


Hi there RatSnatcher, I would love to make another film, but being an independant filmmaker and having ideas that are not the norm, I struggle to get them made, but truck on regardless, you understand the logistics of filmmaking and it aint easy without a budget, but I get stuck in and will soon make another film which is my passion. "WHAT'S MONEY" "Success is a man that gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do"




FISHEYE is swimming on to new unexplored waters, thanks one and all for your feedback.











All the best, and thanks for your feedback.



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HI gm 33, in a reply you say you want to get people thinking well thinking about what the fight you had to land the pike is very explicet much the same as one i saw in an anti fishing video put out by a group called pices they put it out at the same time as the hunting bill was going through in scotland, so tell me what is their to think about, the filming is superb of that their is no doubt but it gives out an anti message , this is just the way i see it. I'VE just let my daughter view the clip she is 22yrs old so not a child after she saw it i asked what message she got from it she said the message it gave her was that the fisherman got what he deserved for making a fish fight for its life and the fox could walk about freely because the hunter was dead and not coming after it, one things for sure its not pro-hunting.........it seems i see things differantly from most so IANB will you close my account please i have enjoyed my stay on your site but its now time to go thanks.

well your daughter cant be that clever as the fox was mooching around whilst the bullet was still on the floor :blink: not in the blokes body :laugh:

gary i think you did a great job there mate, a credit to you, aleast your not sat in on your arse and watching the sad world go by, well done :victory:

p.s. do you think an anti would let a pike be caught and roasted?

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HI gm 33, in a reply you say you want to get people thinking well thinking about what the fight you had to land the pike is very explicet much the same as one i saw in an anti fishing video put out by a group called pices they put it out at the same time as the hunting bill was going through in scotland, so tell me what is their to think about, the filming is superb of that their is no doubt but it gives out an anti message , this is just the way i see it. I'VE just let my daughter view the clip she is 22yrs old so not a child after she saw it i asked what message she got from it she said the message it gave her was that the fisherman got what he deserved for making a fish fight for its life and the fox could walk about freely because the hunter was dead and not coming after it, one things for sure its not pro-hunting.........it seems i see things differantly from most so IANB will you close my account please i have enjoyed my stay on your site but its now time to go thanks.

well your daughter cant be that clever as the fox was mooching around whilst the bullet was still on the floor :blink: not in the blokes body :laugh:

gary i think you did a great job there mate, a credit to you, aleast your not sat in on your arse and watching the sad world go by, well done :victory:

p.s. do you think an anti would let a pike be caught and roasted?


Hi there bullet

Thanks for your feedback, regarding the anti, I put up FISHEYE on youtube about 3months ago, and out of comming up to 8,000 views so far I've had 3 comments of the anti nature, so on that score, I rest my case. Life is to precious and short to start giving out messages, and I do not deem myself qualified to do this, Live and let Live in peace is all I want to do, and enjoy my time here in the process.


All the best, and here's to another day.





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