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20lb hand line, no idea how much this thing weighed but they are generally in pairs, I think this is the female because the other one was much bigger & I failed to get a gaff into it then lost it when 125lb steel trace parted at the swage (trace wasn't intended for Dorado, it was for Cuda baited with fresh Tuna). These things were jumping 4-5ft out of the water.



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These are also known as Mahi Mahi, dolphin fish or dorado. When these fish are alive the have the most beautiful colours you will see on a animal and I think they can change colouration depending on mood eg caught on a fishing hook and pissed off, definetly looks like a female as the male has a bigger more blunt head! Very sporty fish to catch they are big, very fast, can jump over ten feet high, beatiful to look at when just out of the water and very good eating, well done on your catch I would love to catch dorado on light gear. Atb doge77.


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Your right about the colour, I’ve caught several, some posted on here & the colours change rapidly. I’ve seen them hunting on the surface & they change colour in a flash when they are darting about, also soon has you’ve landed them & they fight just the same when on the deck. Also had them on rod & reel (20lb line), just never had time on this occasion & it was hand line or nothing.

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ugly looking fish but id still like to catch it,well done in landing it :thumbs:


Long Dogs, nice looking dog in the profile pic from what I can see :thumbs:


Nice fish mack, which country you fishing in ?


Dark Continent, nice little shit hole called Nigeria!


That's a female. Caught loads, on hand line, dead bait, live bait, lures and flies. Proper good fighting fish, very acrobatic and good eating.


Not doing too bad myself but I prefer prawns, crab & digging :thumbs:



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