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New hutch

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That looks really nice, and great to see some pics of inside.


I am trying to get ideas of how to 'furnish' the inside of my court and was wondering about having ladders for them to climb. Do they use the one in there?




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That looks really nice, and great to see some pics of inside.


I am trying to get ideas of how to 'furnish' the inside of my court and was wondering about having ladders for them to climb. Do they use the one in there?




Yes, they use it all the time. They also climb righ to the top of the inside quite often too :yes:

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you have gone and sone it now mate...you have shown the misses :D ....whats the dimensions of it and would you possibly have a link to where you bought it from? :)

Heres the item number on ebay 150135443347. It took a good few weeks for it to arrive as its so popular and it cost £200 in total. I got the shelves and the wooden hut seperately, I also turned the sleeping area into a two floor area as its so big. Ive also raised it off the concrete by 0.5cm at each corner so that I can hose it out twice weekly. The ferts love it and its so easy to keep clean for them!!

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Cheers mate, had a good measure up earlier as i seen this on e-bay and thought it may be the same one....the length is ok but doesnt seem wide enough for 3 ferrets :icon_redface: is there seriously quite abit of room in it? dont fancy ordering one and having to sell it on again :(

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Is the photo still there cos i cant see it :no:


It seems to have gone :hmm: Here they are again (Hopefully)

dougie_s410k There really is more than enough room for the ferts, I have 3 also. The sleeping area is so big I made it into a two floor area. Its an awful lot of money but I think it will last years as long as its looked after.





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Hi mate, the money aint a problem its just the width ( oooh matron lol ) but on a serious note thats all that concerns me as my hob is quite a big lad, have you any pics of them on the floor space :icon_redface: bit of a twatty question i know but just so i can get an idea :victory:

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