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Where to find a good pup?

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I have been following the topic about selling proven dogs with great interest. This got me thinking, where does someone just starting out find the right dog or pup? If you are the only person you know with an interest in fieldsports, who do you ask? With such a difference of opinion amongst terriermen, who do you trust, take advice from, cos you cant learn it all from books? Is a beginner best with a pup, or an older dog who can teach the owner a bit, but good dogs are never sold some people say? Its a ruddy minefield out here for us greenhorns!

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Start with meeting people who are already ratting, bushing digging, see what their dogs are like, do they suit you or what you want the dog for, see where they got their dogs from, go to the same place or see of the people you meet know of any pups being bred from decent stock

It's who you know and who they will know, in the main adverts for pups on web sites or in CMW are from people who are doing it for the money

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hunting folk are on the whole a bit suspicious of new people, and rightly so, as hunting and fishing are constantly under attack from antis and ignorant joe public. The upshot of that is any newbie will struggle to meet these people and esp see their dogs work unless they are in the know. Does this mean that a pup that only has 1 working parent is pointless to work? And that an older dog is a Rubbish worker?

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Just because a pup has only one parent that's a worker it doesn't mean it's not going to work. Of course the "Ideal" is to have both parents that are solid workers that have been tested in many situations. But with terrier work sometimes there's no definitive black or White answer. I've seen and owned dogs out of worker to worker that were useless, and have seen a dog that was a pet take to work like a duck to water .

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I'm like yourself, I had a good read around the terrier section looking for regular Irish posters who work their dogs, I chanced a fella with a pm told him I was looking for a pup and he put me on to another fella off here, When I met him he had his jeep kitted out with terrier boxes bulldog spades and shovels in the back, he had the dam of the pups with him along with a pup from last year, also he had hundreds of hunting photo's with him.

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Ther some pat lakie crosses in the for sale section now well worth a punt

they look cracking....so much so I have one on order and I'm picking it up 2nd december :D the parents look and sound the mutts nuts!

we bringing one to belgium for a freind
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Interesting question. There is some sage advice here. It takes a special kind of stupid to go about it the way I've managed to. I would only add, be honest with yourself in your search. Define your wants/needs in a dog and pay attention to what you see, not what you hope to see. There is nothing quite like bringing along a solid prospect. The price tag, or lack of one, won't make the dog. The best chance you have of picking the right dog is starting with the right litter. Take your time.

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Ther some pat lakie crosses in the for sale section now well worth a punt

they look cracking....so much so I have one on order and I'm picking it up 2nd december :D the parents look and sound the mutts nuts!

we bringing one to belgium for a freind

and there's me thinking the 4hour round trip was long to travel haha.
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Ther some pat lakie crosses in the for sale section now well worth a punt

they look cracking....so much so I have one on order and I'm picking it up 2nd december :D the parents look and sound the mutts nuts!

we bringing one to belgium for a freind

and there's me thinking the 4hour round trip was long to travel haha.

lol around 6 hour round trip for the pup , then a 10-11 hour one way to here then 10-11 hour back for the driver minor that :whistling:
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