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Marmots/Rock piles

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Anyone here have any experiance hunting Marmots with dogs? I know where there are quite a bit of Yellow Bellied Marmot in the high country, they live in real large boulder/rock piles that are on the sides of mountains.

Ive thought about entering my terrier there to see how she would do, considering there is not alot of opputunites to work terriers where i live.

The dog will willingly enter rock piles, and has caught a feral cat in the rocks, and bolted and caught plenty of rabbits in the rocks.


Would anyone have any advice as to working large rock piles?

And anyone have any info on the habits and or dens of Marmots?

I personally wouldnt try my terriers for marmot... the average terrier would likely slay the lot of them to ground wasting the meat, in pretty much undiggable places. Now, Ive done lots of rock work for fox, but thats my sport, and was part of my employment, I dont mind spending a day or two of toil for a livestock killer, and for the terriers benefit, but not for a big feckin squirrel. I'd personally stick to taking the odd one on top, maybe try lamping them with a lurcher that can handle the terrain. Just my personal opinions/thoughts, but if you do try a terrier on them, please let us know how ye get on. Cheers



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I have gotten hundreds of them.. you need a super tiny harder dog.. Never Ever dig a natural sett, always dig in a man made rockpile... You need a small shovel with long handle and a couple rock bars and a friend, dont try alone you may reach a rock you cant move.. And if you get them off an alfalfa field eat'um cuz they are real tasty..






Edited by bluecollar
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