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Marmots/Rock piles

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Anyone here have any experiance hunting Marmots with dogs? I know where there are quite a bit of Yellow Bellied Marmot in the high country, they live in real large boulder/rock piles that are on the sides of mountains.

Ive thought about entering my terrier there to see how she would do, considering there is not alot of opputunites to work terriers where i live.

The dog will willingly enter rock piles, and has caught a feral cat in the rocks, and bolted and caught plenty of rabbits in the rocks.


Would anyone have any advice as to working large rock piles?

And anyone have any info on the habits and or dens of Marmots?

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I've been working the rocks some. Not for marmots though. It's a blast but scarry as hell at the same time.


We don't have marmots, but everything else lives in these rocks including javelina, and the occasional lion. Most of the time it's small game though,HPIM0503.jpgHPIM0502-1.jpg


Here's a small fox we got a couple of months ago. The bitch was supposed to be emptying out on the way up the mountain. But she had other ideas.AF.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

They have them in the Alps mate, I havnt seen the burries up close but from maybe 40-50 yards they look pretty similar to rabbit warrens. The marmots i am thinking about are herbivores so I would have thought a decent size ferret would be a better idea as an earth dog may be close to being too big for the warrens. Not sure about your rock piles though, these were just in the hill side


I didnt have ferrets/dogs when I lived out there though so cannot say how they would bolt from 1st hand experience

Edited by lapin2008
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The marmots ive seen have been pretty large, id say easily up to 20ish lbs.


Unfortunetly, here in CA owning ferrets is illegal. Plenty of people still own them, but im SURE if a game warden saw somone letting a ferret go into a rabbit warren or anywhere else, it would be serious trouble.

Edited by ivebeen
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do you have any issues with rattle snakes when working them?


Where the marmots are no, they are up in the high country, so theres not much snake up there.

But just out mooching around with the dogs ive found plenty of rattlesnakes, luckily havnt had one(or me) get bit yet.

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Yeah Ive come accross them loads of times. they dig earth holes as well as live among rock piles. Trying to creap up on them is easy enough but once scared they whistle loudly sending every fecker for miles under ground lol... nice wee things, especially with garlic and potatos (joking... or am I.... yeah, im joking.... maybe)





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dogs-n-natives, those pics are very similar to the type of country ive found them in.


About the garlic and taters, well i myself would have no problem cooking one up! Id bet they are quite tasty.

Edited by ivebeen
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