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red filter helps but not always needed.


try not to flash light around fast take it slowly try not to make the place look like a 1980s disco tec and scare everything away.


[bANNED TEXT] u spot a foxes/rabbits shine lamp over it head so u can just see the glint off its eyes as this won't blind it and it will be more encourage to walk closer towards you or sit longer.


go easy on the caller as to much call is way worse than to little, when it gets closer keep the volume down as if you can hear it a fox will hear it ten times louder.


to get them to stop without running away a pretend dog bark works the best as i have tried saying stuff like(hey boy, stop, freeze in the name of the law etc etc) they are more likely to run off at the sound of a humane voice.

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red filter helps but not always needed.


try not to flash light around fast take it slowly try not to make the place look like a 1980s disco tec and scare everything away.


[bANNED TEXT] u spot a foxes/rabbits shine lamp over it head so u can just see the glint off its eyes as this won't blind it and it will be more encourage to walk closer towards you or sit longer.


go easy on the caller as to much call is way worse than to little, when it gets closer keep the volume down as if you can hear it a fox will hear it ten times louder.


to get them to stop without running away a pretend dog bark works the best as i have tried saying stuff like(hey boy, stop, freeze in the name of the law etc etc) they are more likely to run off at the sound of a humane voice.

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ah good old basc the very same org that printed a feature on deer poaching with a lead photo of a man with a beddy x whippet and purce nets and a ferret box under the title DEER POACHERS :thumbs:

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Personal no just expected a reply a liitle more becoming in defence of the org that put so much time in to its articals and with you putting forward the link ithought you might want to defend basc , You gave about the same none sencical repply the sweet little girl who wrote the artical did not a clue and blamed the police adviser who picked the photo in qestion.

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