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Ginger shooter

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It only takes one or two occations like this to start things off with the media!


I havent read it as yet, but can imagine the reactions its already getting.

You know what they have done as far as certain breeds of dogs are concerned.


Cmon lads, dont give them an excuse.


BOP handlers need to realise the potential of their birds to go for anything that runs around under them.

Thats what you spend all your time trying to train them to do aint it!


It is never the animals fault, always the handler.

An animal is only doing either what comes naturaly, or what a handler has trained it to do.

As with a BOP, its to fly down a running animal and keep hold of it with its talons till the handler arrives to retrieve it!

A kid is as good as prey, how are they to know different.


Ive noticed a lot of people walking around the area with thier BOP on their glove, letting children come up and stroke it,

its not a fashion statement or accessory.


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  On 09/11/2012 at 19:29, KenKeeping said:

It only takes one or two occations like this to start things off with the media!


I havent read it as yet, but can imagine the reactions its already getting.

You know what they have done as far as certain breeds of dogs are concerned.


Cmon lads, dont give them an excuse.


BOP handlers need to realise the potential of their birds to go for anything that runs around under them.

Thats what you spend all your time trying to train them to do aint it!


It is never the animals fault, always the handler.

An animal is only doing either what comes naturaly, or what a handler has trained it to do.

As with a BOP, its to fly down a running animal and keep hold of it with its talons till the handler arrives to retrieve it!

A kid is as good as prey, how are they to know different.


Ive noticed a lot of people walking around the area with thier BOP on their glove, letting children come up and stroke it,

its not a fashion statement or accessory.

its called manning and perhaps if someone had took the trouble to do the job correctly then maybe this would have never have happened :thumbs:
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Heard about this today in work on radio 2 Jeremy Vine, and they were asking whether " these young men train these wild animals the same way as pit bulls" and should there be licencing or ban's. Made me sick the people phoning in to give their two bobs worth with little or no knowledge of falconry or even birds of prey. This is not good publicity for falconry and the thousands of people who care for these birds responsbly, just takes a few dick heads to fcuk it up for everyone.

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  On 09/11/2012 at 20:48, wig887 said:

i read this today and it said people are using them like pitbulls as status symbols also the harris hawk can fly at 200 mph and can take foxes.i couldnt belive what i was reading.the mind boggles it really does. :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

welcome to the world of the working lurcher mate, seems as if the media agenda is spreading its wings :thumbs:
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That made me laugh when I read harris hawk can reach 200mph and take a fox out but saying that my harris hawk took a full grown deer out! :-/ lol NOT!!! It's just like I do a lot of shooting to and with that raoul moat thing etc buggers it up for people who enjoy shooting and rules will come in more for owners of shotguns! As in this case no doubt they will start making summit up for owners of BOP just like our selfs

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I have heard of kids getting hit by hawks usually a case of mistaken identity expected to hear that the child had a yellow pom pom on its hat and the hawk mistook it for a chick. Still the knee jerk response from the media should be a pleasure. Problem with today is everyone has an opinion and in most cases no knowledge on which to base it other than what they read or heard from the media. Expect LACS and PETA to be seizing on this accident as an opportunity to try and ban falconry as we know they are already after shooting.

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