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A Good Lamp?

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well i might aswell have my say :D i like the 170 but if you get one of those always make sure you have some insulation tape in you kit :victory: now i take the clue lite as a spare lamp just in case the lightforce lets me down ....plus on the cluelite its got a better filter system ..what i mean by that its got a ball joint so it dosnet make any noise when lifting the filter up were as the lightforce its a clip on filter and its a pain in the arse .. :yes: so my advice is get both ;):D i .. :D have had a few probs with the wireing on the lightforce but its all basic wiring so its easy to fix even when out in the feild once you get used to it as i have had to do now and again ....all the best snoop

:good: Completely agree, plus its wise to remove the cigar attatchment thingy.

Im gonna get the filter modified somehow, so it is hinged and flips on and off with no noise (or should i say convinve Steve he will :D ) When its done ill let you know how.


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well i might aswell have my say :D i like the 170 but if you get one of those always make sure you have some insulation tape in you kit :victory: now i take the clue lite as a spare lamp just in case the lightforce lets me down ....plus on the cluelite its got a better filter system ..what i mean by that its got a ball joint so it dosnet make any noise when lifting the filter up were as the lightforce its a clip on filter and its a pain in the arse .. :yes: so my advice is get both ;):D i .. :D have had a few probs with the wireing on the lightforce but its all basic wiring so its easy to fix even when out in the feild once you get used to it as i have had to do now and again ....all the best snoop

:good: Completely agree, plus its wise to remove the cigar attatchment thingy.

Im gonna get the filter modified somehow, so it is hinged and flips on and off with no noise (or should i say convinve Steve he will :D ) When its done ill let you know how.



Nice one Moll!!

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Nice one troy!!! is yours the variable one an do u need it???

its just the standard one mate i also have a blazer light but the beam is not as tight as the 170 so if i was you i would go for the 170 :D

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Get a clulite lazer light best lamp Ive seen or owned :tongue2:


I know people with the blitz striker and lance and they've all needed re-wiring.


I use a 12v 14 aH Belt pack and this lasts me 6 hours hard lamping and enough to get m back to the truck safe lol :D so whoever says you need a 20aH is talking SHIT!! :blink:


If you want it for 3 hours just get the 7aH plenty in my opinion.


If your like me and want a lamp that you know is reliable for your money get the clulite. Buying a lightforce is like buying a bag of chips without the paper ok you can eat the chips but it will take you a while to get them wrapped up. If you get my drift lol :tongue2::D:D

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Guest reload

A clulite is a good little lamp, i have used mine for quite a few seasons, 3 or 4 times a week.#

If you get the lightforce 170, get the one with the dimmer switch. ;) That way you get to dim it like the work light on the clulite.


Both good lamps, but good lamps dont catch rabbits, its how you use it :D:D

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Guest joe ox

Ive got both, the lightforce drains the battery quicker and as people have already said the filter is a pain in the arse! Clulite doesnt have as good a beam as the lightforce but the filter set up is ace.


The clulite i have is 1,000,000 cp.

Couple of questions for anyone who uses the 2,000,000 clulite is it as powerfull a beam as the lightforce 170 and whats it like on battery usage?

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Guest oldskool

i have laser, blaser and now i have recently bought the clulite shootalite 1 mill cp... the blaser is a brilliant bright beam but it doesnt really go further because of the spread... reliabilty and its versatility is second to none :) ... the filter system is class and it fits to a rifle in seconds... theres a lad on ebay selling replacement bulbs... i've bought a few and theyre the real thing plus dirt cheap... just type in lightforce and they usually come up



ps.. if you have a laser and want to upgrade to the blaser then just buy a metal reflector and 100watt bulb and hey presto its a blaser...

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