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times when your dogs made you look a twat

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got onto this topic the other night in the pup and had a good laugh. a old mate of mine had a half bull x and it certainly looked the part :yes: he had it from a gamefair as a pup and bought it along one night on the lamp. we entered a field and there was a rabbit smack bang in the middle, his dog was about 14 months at the time so i let his dog have the slip. it runned the beam no problems turned the rabbit and come running straight toward us, his dog made the strike no less than 2 foot away from us and the rabbit squealed and the dog let go of it took a few steps back and started to bark at it :laugh: the dog just looked at us as if to say what the feck was that :laugh: the rabbit then tried to make off again but his bull x didnt want to no just stood there thinking feck that. :laugh: needless to say some banter took place for the rest of the night and the dog never made the grade and wouldnt touch a bunny after that :laugh: so come on lads spill some of these stories :thumbs:

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my dog wont leave the house without his flat cap , makes me look a tit :laugh:

Out lamping one night down the south lreland with few mates had my old bitch with me the one in the picture to the left.The bitch has a thing off when she off the lead off jumping into peoples boots o

ive a funny one , i took my big dog out deer grey x saluki bull grey out on the lamp he ran a bunny and caught it , great then he he ran another which came toward me , the rabbit ran between my legs a

One time while down my permission the farmer asked can he come for a wander with me ! Yeah no bother I said first field lifted a bunny happy days till a fecking ( herd wick sheep)broke from cover dog was on it like a fecking flash worrying the feck out of it !! Oops!! Never ever done it before in 4 years i had it talk about making you feel like a twat ! Good job I new the farmer well to say the least ! That dog was gone ! The next day ! And I managed to keep my permission lol I was a lucky man atb yeti

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Chatting to Keeper once.. On the boundary of my permission, I was flanneling/Grooming him for some ground..


"Told him just rabbits fella, bit of ferreting when the shooting seasons Done. Dogs wont touch the birds "



Dog flushes one as were speaking, permission was not granted :laugh: :laugh:

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Was ferreting the railway bank with a mate when I was a lad, I had my whippet x and he had his dads ancient jack russel..... It's not a main line, it runs down to exmouth, any way, we were bolting a few when we heard the train coming, the driver shouts out the window at us to get off the railway edge, my mate give him a hand gesture... And he stops the train.... He's backing up the line I've grabbed the gear and jumped the fence my dog behind me and ran through the field to some bushes, I look round expecting to see my mate but he's running along the line... I haven't a clue what he's doing then I see his dog run to the train driver and he picks up the dog and tells my mate if you want your dog back get here .., I'm hid in the bush watching my mate get on the train and get taken off down the line.... I catch up with him later and he was taken to exmouth ( after doing a walk of shame through the train) where the police give him a good bollocking, then took him home where his dad give him a good bollocking, I got away with it lol.... We never took his dads jrt poaching again lol

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