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So is he or isn't he?

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I dont understand why some fools keep sending off money to people they dont know, who they have never met, who are un-vouched for by close friends, and expect to recieve the goods they paid for, and o

Thanks guys, I am not whinging, I am giving an accurate state of play from feedback on other forums they have been scavenging on. A rod license (they have hit Salmon and Trout forums too) is not going

hi tadger i dont think mole is whinging as you put it,if it wasn't for mike and others,he may have succeeded in ripping some one off! and for quoting " grow aset and see the fucka yourself, its not

  On 06/11/2012 at 22:31, andyfr1968 said:
  On 06/11/2012 at 22:06, fry said:
  On 06/11/2012 at 22:01, andyfr1968 said:

It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits...... All's well that ends well and I hope no one got scammed. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I just wonder what master plan f**k-wit will pull together next time.

why does the wanker all ways come back here?? he knows that his cards marked even with spell check,


God knows but the tit must be desperate. The older I get the less I understand folks........


Thing is they have not just been ripping off people who have firearms (and yes the Police do class an air rifle as a firearm). They have been creative with the angling forums too! Now I don't think you can lose an angling license by extracting teeth using the old fashioned method of ramming them down the throat, but try that if you have a shotgun certificate, FAC, they might not be too happy with you having an air rifle if you got hauled up before the judiciary either!


So if a lot of lads from Whitby do decide to go boat fishing in the Cheltenham area, you know why!

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  On 09/11/2012 at 20:29, tadger said:

sorry secreagentmole but you sound a right shithouse, grow aset and see the fucka yourself, its not hard, instead of whinging


hi tadger

i dont think mole is whinging as you put it,if it wasn't for mike and others,he may have succeeded in ripping some one off!

and for quoting " grow aset and see the fucka yourself, its not hard," very clever!!


then they would just report it to the police! then who would be in the shit house?

so wind ya neck in :thumbs:


edit to add:there has been to much arguing over these scum bags

Edited by davyt63
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  On 09/11/2012 at 20:29, tadger said:

sorry secreagentmole but you sound a right shithouse, grow aset and see the fucka yourself, its not hard, instead of whinging


Acts of violence will render you, right or wrong, not only a police record. Thereafter, the police will refuse on sight, any application for a firearms license or shotgun certificate. Lose that pleasure for twatting a worm like Steve Graham? No.


Let someone else with not so much to lose do it. It's going to happen sooner or later. :thumbs:



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Thanks guys, I am not whinging, I am giving an accurate state of play from feedback on other forums they have been scavenging on. A rod license (they have hit Salmon and Trout forums too) is not going to get confiscated for force feeding the brothers their molars!


Cannot see why I was whinging though, As for growing a set, it is a couple of hundred miles from ours to his, not paying for that diesel when we have never lost a penny to them, we have managed to stop them getting a fair few hundred quid off others though!

Edited by secretagentmole
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  On 09/11/2012 at 23:55, secretagentmole said:

Thanks guys, I am not whinging, I am giving an accurate state of play from feedback on other forums they have been scavenging on. A rod license (they have hit Salmon and Trout forums too) is not going to get confiscated for force feeding the brothers their molars!


Cannot see why I was whinging though, As for growing a set, it is a couple of hundred miles from ours to his, not paying for that diesel when we have never lost a penny to them, we have managed to stop them getting a fair few hundred quid off others though!

:victory::thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs::toast: :toast: :toast:
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