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The old boy still has it. (In Ireland)

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I arranged to meet a lad lastnight from a local gun club that has sorted out some land for me to do some pest control on.he brought me to a big tillage farm where they rear alot of their birds on to try for fox and a few rabbits,and with one of my bitchs coming into season and the other nursing pups i decided to bring my old 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie dog that is coming into his 10th working season.


We walked a fair bit of one side and only seen one rabbit that was too close to the cover to bother slipping on,and then on the way out we spoted a fox entering the field,I started calling and he came galloping in but when i went to slip the dog the slip got stuck :icon_redface: (my fault)and it gave the fox that few seconds it needed to get enough ground between him and the dog to make it to the cover.


We crossed a main road and over into some more fields where we seen a couple more foxes but they had no interest in my calls so we checked a couple of his mink traps by a river,which where empty and headed back to the cars.


I was a bit disapointed that the land was not as good as i was exspecting and the old dog had not got much of a workout so on my way home i hit a spot i had not gone to in a few years that is in walking distance of my house and all the young lads in the estate that keep lurchers have lamped the place to death but usualy good for a few runs.


I parked the car in the farm yard and went into a large stubble field where i seen a fox down in one of the far corners but the bit of breeze that was out was not in my favor and this fox had no interest in my calls but when i checked the rest of the field there was another fox making his way up to me,when he came close enough i slipped the dog and after turning him a few times in the field they went down over the brow of a hill and out of the lamp.


I thought that he had got away from the dog until i heard that unmistakable sound of a fox that has just been caught.


by the time i got down to them the old boy had the job well done with a nice dog fox for his efforts.







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well done , as for messing the slip i know how that feels ,.......especially when there running in like lassie , nearly in touching distance,...........i got some stick for that lol

when you dont tend to use the old dogs so much , i think it makes them more keen when they do have there chance ....................

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