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split litter update pic

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are you going to have the smooth pups dna tested to prove parentage to potenial owners????

are you going to have the smooth pups dna tested to prove parentage to potenial owners????

have not decided yet, i no i should, i bet half the lads on here cant say 100% whats in there dog, they only go by what they've been told as them the same could go on and on..
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like i said none of my business........ but never believe anything said about someone on here if youve never met them.............good or bad........

i would not be Happy if i left my bitch with someone to get it lined and they let another dog get to her ! All the same they are very nice pups and look in good heath

Dont be a hypocrite your last litter was an accident shouldnt you of been watching ye own dog's,practice what ye preach and all that

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They're a nice litter and look well, but I would never have just left a bitch with someone else to supervise the mating!

Dont be a hypocrite your last litter was an accident shouldnt you of been watching ye own dog's,practice what ye preach and all that :laugh:

They're a nice litter and look well, but I would never have just left a bitch with someone else to supervise the mating!

Dont be a hypocrite your last litter was an accident shouldnt you of been watching ye own dog's,practice what ye preach and all that :laugh:



If that is the case, and I stress if,then that is a tad hypocritical.

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I'm not being a hypocrite at all: I merely said that I wouldn't have risked leaving a bitch with someone else: that is completely different to having an accident myself, but does show how easily it could happen! :icon_redface::D

To be honest, I'd be more worried about something happening to a bitch of mine in someone else's hands: what if she got out, run over, run off? Even if it was someone I knew very well, I wouldn't like to put that responsibility on them.

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Genuine question to anyone who can answer... is there such a thing as a split litter?


Yes; American pedigree breeders have been doing it for years. Evidentely to speed up thier line breeding programmes.




How do they go about it with any sort of accuracy?

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They're a nice litter and look well, but I would never have just left a bitch with someone else to supervise the mating!

Dont be a hypocrite your last litter was an accident shouldnt you of been watching ye own dog's,practice what ye preach and all that :laugh:

Had too laugh at that one...Class :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Genuine question to anyone who can answer... is there such a thing as a split litter?


Yes; American pedigree breeders have been doing it for years. Evidentely to speed up thier line breeding programmes.




How do they go about it with any sort of accuracy?


I don't think there is any degree of accuracy; they just put two sires to a dam , and DNA test the pups.



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I don't think there is any degree of accuracy; they just put two sires to a dam , and DNA test the pups.




Interesting I didnt think it was possible never mind practised.

Edited by Moscow
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Genuine question to anyone who can answer... is there such a thing as a split litter?


Yes, I,ve had one, involved pedigree dogs so it was obvious and easy to spot, also seen it happening.

I had a golden retriever bitch who was a wee tart and stood for any dog just about every day of her season.

She was due to be bred and was willing to be bred so I put her to my goldie dog who is absolutely bombproof and will not look at a bitch not ready, he refused her,wasn't surprised I knew the bitch.

Any way later on that day due to me not paying attention she slipped to the kennel where my weimaraner dog was, and, as he is not so reliable and works on the premise, any holes a goal, he mated and tied to her.

After they split I showed her to the goldie dog again, he didn't want to know, decisions, as standing by no means guarantees ovulating and I know all my dogs, I decided to do nothing except show her to the goldie dog each day as I had time ( three days I think) to still inject her.

It was five days from the mating to the weimaraner before the goldie dog mated her, by this time I was pretty sure she, true to character hadn't been ready and I looked forward to a litter of goldies roughly nine weeks later.

Nine weeks later and said bitch starts whelping, fingers crossed, yes, a goldie, thirteen goldie pups later I'm congratulating myself and about to clean the bitch out when I notice her straining again, s further two pups in quick succession, very dark brown and those unmissable tell tale ears. So yes they can and do happen.

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