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Cycling with dog

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May as well get them the entire kit then aye.  

Out of interest rew why don't you get one of those trailers for kids,,, put the dog in it,, then you can save her energy for when you go lamping on the bike.    

Yeah defo night hunter..   I back mine late summer and early season.. When conditions are not suitable for raking about or running daytime rabbits.   If I have been busy with work, I can bike them

I usually do 4 mile fast ride 2 times a week n we do that in under 10 mins. N then the rest we do anything from 18.-30 mile plus [bANNED TEXT] we aint out lamping n also my terrier does just as much as the lurcher does as its jus as easy have them both out but my dogs are always free running when out on the bike never have them on the lead


Are you quite sure about that speed ,,,,,seems awfully fast 4 mile in under 10 mins,,,, that must be close to 30 mile an hour if my maths are right,,,

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4miles at 30mph , lol my dogs fit and keeps weight on without the ridiculous miles an miles of bike work or whatever. And is happy doing so...I think there has to be a balance surely? I walk mine 3-4 times a week, the rest is sprint work..let her free run/trot or whatever for piss an shit n to warm up then roughly 2sprints of 50 yards, walk about , then another 2 abit further, walk about an gradually get further out..abit of retrieving with a ball for a gradual warm down, a walk about to get her breath back, nice rub down on the muscles back home for some grub, then a walk later on at night usually 1-2miles depending. Somedays I'm stuck for time an can only do one or the other. An she seems fit to me. Lol if I walked 20 miles an let her free run all the way she would, she's just the type that never gives up, some times its a problem when she's in that mind set , and does my f****n head in

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