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Badger Cull - Response by DEFRA

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Why don't Brian May and the various interest groups pay the farmers compensation if they are wiped out by TB?.....sort of put their money where their mouth is?   It's easy to be high and mighty when

Slavery will return before terriers would be used a in the cull '!!!!

bad weather over the summer - maybe the shooters didn't want to go out in the rain   delay the start until after the Olympics and Paralympics - were any of the cull areas near the olympic stadium?




I can clearly remember farmers being prosecuted. One guy took an infected animal to Ireland to deliberately introduce it there.

Some farmers were genuinley devastated by Foot and Mouth. I know that as i know a few that were. Others did really well out of it and laughed all the way to the bank. A couple of my mates are slaughtermen and they were on footballers wages during the outbreak.So 'it's an ill wind that blows nobody any luck'.

Farmers seem to be immune from toryeconomics that the rest of us are affected by.The tories cut money due to disabled people and close down Remploy factories for example, But continue to sign blank cheques for farmers.

So what's wrong with making farmer's responsible for their own losses in the same way are? We take out house insurance. The rest of industry take out various forms of insurance. Why not farmers?

Is it because they all vote tory?

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I can clearly remember farmers being prosecuted. One guy took an infected animal to Ireland to deliberately introduce it there.

Some farmers were genuinley devastated by Foot and Mouth. I know that as i know a few that were. Others did really well out of it and laughed all the way to the bank. A couple of my mates are slaughtermen and they were on footballers wages during the outbreak.So 'it's an ill wind that blows nobody any luck'.

Farmers seem to be immune from toryeconomics that the rest of us are affected by.The tories cut money due to disabled people and close down Remploy factories for example, But continue to sign blank cheques for farmers.

So what's wrong with making farmer's responsible for their own losses in the same way are? We take out house insurance. The rest of industry take out various forms of insurance. Why not farmers?

Is it because they all vote tory?

oh now i see you have a thing against farmer oh well on you go
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I can clearly remember farmers being prosecuted. One guy took an infected animal to Ireland to deliberately introduce it there.

Some farmers were genuinley devastated by Foot and Mouth. I know that as i know a few that were. Others did really well out of it and laughed all the way to the bank. A couple of my mates are slaughtermen and they were on footballers wages during the outbreak.So 'it's an ill wind that blows nobody any luck'.

Farmers seem to be immune from toryeconomics that the rest of us are affected by.The tories cut money due to disabled people and close down Remploy factories for example, But continue to sign blank cheques for farmers.

So what's wrong with making farmer's responsible for their own losses in the same way are? We take out house insurance. The rest of industry take out various forms of insurance. Why not farmers?

Is it because they all vote tory?

And how much will these Insurance policies cost...? And will they increase every year when the farmer has to claim, and he will cause farming is fooked!!!
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the other year i had an elderly farmer sat at my kitchen table crying after another positive reaction for tb, 3 years on the trot and all the aggrivation that goes with it, dont know why he bothers to be honest i would have given up and bought ostriches or something years ago. try telling him hes scamming for compo

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Farmers in my area are still getting paid for sheep that have too much radioactivity in them due to Chernobyl.

It's not just lefties like me that want to see a level playing field even the tories are moaning about the TB bill and the bill for Foot and Mouth.

Farming is the most subsidised industry in Britain. A lot of folk feel sorry for them due to programmes like Countryfile which always depicts them in a sympathetic light. There are very few poor farmers.

I have a mate where I shoot geese who is a farmer. He loves to wind me up about the various subsidies he claims both from the UK government and the EU. His parting comment this morning to me was 'I won't get out of bed to put a fencepost in without a grant.'

OK he was ripping the piss out but there's an element of truth in what he says.

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Farmers should not get a subsidy but certain industries should be nationalised ????.......are you a confused commie?? Lol lol


Farmers are like the rest of us, they have to jump through a load of bleeding hoops made up by petty little government busy bodies, be that our own or the EU.......I thought all you brothers were in favour of that type of thing?


Why shouldn't they take advantage of a system that is its own worst enemy?


Anyway, the pigs, it's a f*****g shambles ! Lol lol lol

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Farmers in my area are still getting paid for sheep that have too much radioactivity in them due to Chernobyl.

It's not just lefties like me that want to see a level playing field even the tories are moaning about the TB bill and the bill for Foot and Mouth.

Farming is the most subsidised industry in Britain. A lot of folk feel sorry for them due to programmes like Countryfile which always depicts them in a sympathetic light. There are very few poor farmers.

I have a mate where I shoot geese who is a farmer. He loves to wind me up about the various subsidies he claims both from the UK government and the EU. His parting comment this morning to me was 'I won't get out of bed to put a fencepost in without a grant.'

OK he was ripping the piss out but there's an element of truth in what he says.

oh the old level playing field , like the 70 million grant to ford to open a new trancit van plant in turky while shutting the very same in southhamton :thumbs:
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Wilf, I thought you might support me on this one..You are forever moaning about the nanny state and people not standing on their own two feet and forever receiving handouts.

I'm afraid it's different when it's one of your own team.

Nowt worse than a working class tory. :hmm:

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Wilf, I thought you might support me on this one..You are forever moaning about the nanny state and people not standing on their own two feet and forever receiving handouts.

I'm afraid it's different when it's one of your own team.

Nowt worse than a working class tory. :hmm:

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Wilf, I thought you might support me on this one..You are forever moaning about the nanny state and people not standing on their own two feet and forever receiving handouts.

I'm afraid it's different when it's one of your own team.

Nowt worse than a working class tory. :hmm:



Where do get that from?

I thought you were an ex miner, but you're supporting Wilf a self confessed tory, and landowners?

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Wilf, I thought you might support me on this one..You are forever moaning about the nanny state and people not standing on their own two feet and forever receiving handouts.

I'm afraid it's different when it's one of your own team.

Nowt worse than a working class tory. :hmm:



I wish I was mate.Where do get that from?

not you bud the whole of my once great labour party now just full of tory rejects and lib defectors ,
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Wilf, I thought you might support me on this one..You are forever moaning about the nanny state and people not standing on their own two feet and forever receiving handouts.

I'm afraid it's different when it's one of your own team.

Nowt worse than a working class tory. :hmm:


Oh I firmly believe that farms should be allowed to stand on their own 2 feet, big farmers would get bigger and small ones would get bought out but that's another topic entirely.


And I told you before, I am not a Tory! I am a libertarian.....but again, it's another subject.


Lets not forget what government really turned the screw on hunters and what party is full of ex LACS employees.....lets have it right.


And no, I don't agree that you should cut off farmers without giving them the back up of legally being able to control potentially business ruining pests.

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