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You know what else luv? thers's W*****s over ere who have a few pints of friday night i think they could take on the world!!!!! :angry: Show them this clip an see if they still think there so tough!!!!



your right a lot of the guys i work with had this oppinion before they met me and my hubbie and some of our friends since knowing us for a couple of years there opinion has changed they realise that the job he is doing is difficult !


mole cather im sure you have heard this before ''ours is not to reason why arse is to do or die'' a well know mantra


yes what me and my hubbie are going through is selfinficcted but spare a thought for the mums dads brothers sisters and children of theses men and woman who have no choice.


You know what else luv? thers's W*****s over ere who have a few pints of friday night i think they could take on the world!!!!! :angry: Show them this clip an see if they still think there so tough!!!!



your right a lot of the guys i work with had this oppinion before they met me and my hubbie and some of our friends since knowing us for a couple of years there opinion has changed they realise that the job he is doing is difficult !


mole cather im sure you have heard this before ''ours is not to reason why arse is to do or die'' a well know mantra


yes what me and my hubbie are going through is selfinficcted but spare a thought for the mums dads brothers sisters and children of theses men and woman who have no choice.

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im not impling for one moment you and yours have bought this upon yourselves, if you read my first post you will see there is nothing but respect for those who have chossen this path in life.


SHAMAN, if they didnt sign up for the guts and glory what did they sign up for? the respect, the pension, the trips to far off lands? yes ive seen the job centre vids and this is how life in the army is shown but come on , be real. In this modern age of media exposure your not telling me that any person wanting to join the forces hasnt seen at some point the carnage of war on their tv screens. If it is such a con that the army is playing on its new recrutes and those joining up suddenly find its not all beach vollyball in cypres as they thought it was then thay must have gone into it with their eyes shut. And yes you are right the towns are full of pissed up wankers wanting to fight the world on a friday night, but ask yourself this, how many of them are squaddies home on leave? try living in a garrison town mate, see it all the time.



Respect is something i have for any member of the armed forces, both past and presant. It is your choice to take up arms, you know fully the dangers you may be putting yourself into but i will say this, you as a member of the armed forces give up the right to say "" sorry i didnt sign up to be a pawn in this game of political chess"" because that is all you are when you join up. And correct me if im wrong but doesnt it say in the contract you sign that in doing so, you will in times of war be called upon to do your duty?


Ferret15, again i will add i honestly wish your hubby and all out there a safe return and no im not saying things to get a reaction. my wife was married to a serving member of the armed forces who saw action in more than one theater of war so i know what you are going through. but ive been around many service men to understand how they feel about the job they have to do so im not just spouting shit for shits sake

Edited by mole catcher
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hi all i was talking to my uncle today and he was moaning about losing his ferret , bills to pay etc then he asked me how me and my five month son were doing what with my hubbie in afgan as some of you know i said its hard but at least hes alive !! just thought i would shere with you what its like out there for them as my uncle said it helped git things in perspective i to had a petty row with someone the other day and when i saw this i thought it made the petty row seam pointless


please take five mins to watch this and you will see why im so proud of him


(this fottage is of american and british in iraq as i cant post anything recent in case it gives something away!!)


thanks marie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxULEZaMr7Q


ps just re read this and it looks like im looking for sympathy im not just trying to rais support for our trops many of whom dont think they should be there either


I'm not going to bang on about what I think of this war, but I have got the UPMOST respect for our armed forces (lads like your husband who are doing their bit), and I wish your husband a safe and healthy return from Iraq.


All the best.

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