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Which PCP?

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I live in Northern Ireland and got myself an hw97kt last year , I'm now looking to find myself a pcp to put on my FAC , could anybody recommend an Fac pcp that has plenty of shots per fill in .177, my price range is within £500 to £900 ( that is including charging equipment ) . ATB Michael

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Are you talking about taking a R10 from sub 12 to FAC? If so then the general consensus is that you'd be better off buying a dedicated FAC rifle :thumbs:


You should join the BSAOG...loads of info on all things BSA :thumbs:

Edited by AirgunGuy
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Ye the 510 Extra has the power adjuster on the side , you can wind it up from 7ftlb to about 30 ft lbs .


The fill is about 200 bar and will give about 30 shots .


Thats @


20ftlb in 177


30ftlb in 22


35ftlb in 25


Thats the rifle , not the carbine , which will give half the shots .


The TC ( Twin Cylinder ) will probably double that , but its ugly as sin .

Edited by Buster321c
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