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Any Suggestions need advice

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hi guys i got a dog terrier he is about 2 yr old now and he was working great last season smashing through cover and bushing and marking but i took him out on friday with other dogs my mates dog and my other mates 2 bitches and he wouldn't do sod all apart from hang around the bitches all day he did do a lil bit come the end of the day so i took him again this morning and he was a bit apprehensive of going in this morning so i threw a brick in and that was it there was no stopping him then but after a bit he started to ease off again but not sure if he was feeling it a bit as he was a bit cut up on his ears and head but he didn't mark this morning at all just bushing he yapped on about 5 and i seen one bolt across a field the only thing i can think of is would my mates dog be putting him off a bit as he is a bit of a growler and they did start the day with a lil tiff or was the bitches putting him off any advice would be great guys please help as i am at a loss and my mate is as he aint seen a terrier do this either cheers guys

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yeah took him this morning and he went after i threw a rick in there was no stopping him then just wouldn't mark but as i said when he went he did go just after 2 - 3 hours he eased back off again dont know why like there was no scent around

will only mark if theres something at home,pissing it down with rain and wet ground is not good for holding scent
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yeah took him this morning and he went after i threw a rick in there was no stopping him then just wouldn't mark but as i said when he went he did go just after 2 - 3 hours he eased back off again dont know why like there was no scent around

will only mark if theres something at home,pissing it down with rain and wet ground is not good for holding scent

Yeah i know aii suppose it a good thing that he did get in there i guess thats a start again lol

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throw a brick when you start and when he cools off a bit throw another 1 lol :thumbs:

i was thinking on that but dont want him thinking he chasing bricks and not bunnys lol i just threw that one as i know he likes chasing balls etc so threw a brick lol and as it happened there was a fluffy in there lol he was scenting around but just wouldn't get in there so i threw the brick lol but surely if he was working his guts out last season he should remember what to do this season but it like starting him all over again and its very frustrating as when you know he can do the work but just doesn't but as i said to my mate i wont start thinking of getting another in until im sure i have tried my damned hardest to get him going again and if he don't then guess he will just end up another of the family pets but really want him working as that was what he was bought for and kept for lol.

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Was she working the bush at all ive found my cockers drive for bushing drops slightly when he figures out the lurchers are getting a run on the outside of a bush and tends too try and work the ground like they do took alot of time too break him of that and too work alone for at least 3 months till he stoped it just alot of focusing on him and a big learning curve had too start training him like a gun dog too work bankings and learn alot of dif jobs

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