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Strange Cock

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Thought that might get some attention! There isnt a place for this topic so I put it here,hope no one minds. My old coursing partner Andy keeps a few mixed game fowl and chickens,the hens are mostly broody at present,he was out in the garden when he heard one of the Game Cocks scufling with a hen under a bush,thinking he was treading her he took no notice but when the noise got louder he took a look ,it wasnt a love in but a fight ,and not between two chickens ,the Game fowl was having a knockdown drag out with a Crow! Eventually the Game cock got his spurs to work and killed the crow ,but it put up a battle,anyone heard of this happening before?

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Good for him: I don't get crows in my garden but my tiny little Modern Game cock sends the collared doves packing: actually that's weird, I've just remembered..found a dead collared dove under a tree in the garden the other day: I wonder........ :hmm:

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Guest bezza

I had a gamecock that would defend the whole flock from anything-cats,corvids,dogs etc. It used to also brood chicks aa well. spreading its wings over them at night. It used to attack me as well as soon as I turned my back. This attacking me went on for ages. One night the bugger flew at me and raked my face . Half in defence and half in anger I necked it. I wished I had'nt now cos it was a real character I kind of admired it.

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I saw mine attack a woody that i'd shot with the air rifle which fell near him and spooked him which he made a mess of, ignores the pheasants and partridges though. Also had a hen kill a big rat that tried to nick eggs.

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