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Went for a walk the other day got 9 rabbits from stone walls..


Was sick of my dog marking them, started hugging walls latey and not going in the reeds :laugh: lol..


Walls up here are really good, you can remove stones easy enough and pull the rabbits out. They dont seem to colapse however been on some land in scotland walls were terrible climbed over one and it fell to bits :icon_redface:


I had a wee terrier that would dig at them till its feet would bleed, if you walked away it would stay, if you put it on the lead it would run back :censored:

Edited by Giro
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some of the best sport with dogs and rabbits to be had...cant beat it mate...once dogs get tuned in theres some great action to be had up there on them there hills.

nice one mate..Ruby is looking well..as always.

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Went for a walk the other day got 9 rabbits from stone walls..


Was sick of my dog marking them, started hugging walls latey and not going in the reeds :laugh: lol..


Walls up here are really good, you can remove stones easy enough and pull the rabbits out. They dont seem to colapse however been on some land in scotland walls were terrible climbed over one and it fell to bits :icon_redface:


I had a wee terrier that would dig at them till its feet would bleed, if you walked away it would stay, if you put it on the lead it would run back :censored:

no mate i can honestly say all where caught after decent runs apart from one that i mentioned, put it this way Ruby is very fit at the moment

and has started the season better than i expected, she has smashed all my records with her best being 62 and that could have been more if i hadnt had enough

and the battery went, but last night was the tiredest ive seen her, she loves to hunt and put's everything into it plus they ran at least 3 times what they caught.

atb Daz

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