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Introduction to feather

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I've always used whole Pheasant wings for young pups to retrieve, never seemed to do them any harm?? (as long as they don't treat it as a toy)

Only thing I don't let young/inexperianced dogs retrieve is Pigeons, as the feathers come out really easily and can get stuck in their mouth's.

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Not really Wilf an old wives tale, you have to pick your early retrieves with care. pigeons are best wrapped in a couple of elastic bands, until the young dogs used to them. I always think retrieving is a bit of a black art and until my young dog is picking everything up willingly im holding my breath in case something goes wrong.

Each know their own dog, my viszla is retrieving dummys easily and really keenly at 7 months old but he is just a massive puppy months away from mental maturity so his introduction to cold game is a few months away yet just in case i cause a problem by overfacing him.

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I always use partridges for my pups early retrives, similar size to pigeons bit the feathers dont come out as easy, i ve even known folk wrap pigeons in tights for their pups. I would just make sure your pup is rerieving dummies properly first, and if you have a cocker be careful as once introduced to cold game they can loose all interest in dummies.

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ive been very lucky in that both spaniels i have owned actually started on woodies and never had the problems most lads seem to encounter but i can see where there comming from as woodies do throw a lot of feathers ,so once you got your pup retrieving dummies /ball /socks /gloves etc and you move on to cold game just use a pheasant wing or even 2 tied around a pair of old socks -good luck mate -billy

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As said stick to dummies, balls, ropes or whatever uintil your 100% on its retrieving abilties. Then throw it a small hen bird or pat' and let it pick it. If it doesn't pick it dont make a fuss. Pick it up yourself. The pups not ready. Leave it a while and try again. The pup will show you when its ready... :thumbs:

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Cheers pal, fatty has just bought a cocker from up your way as well off a mate of jock fatty, he ain't seen them so I told him it was a King Charles cross !! Lol

Looking forward to training this lab, never had one before so it will be interesting

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  On 03/11/2012 at 14:21, Bradford Lad said:

I always use partridges for my pups early retrives, similar size to pigeons bit the feathers dont come out as easy, i ve even known folk wrap pigeons in tights for their pups. I would just make sure your pup is rerieving dummies properly first, and if you have a cocker be careful as once introduced to cold game they can loose all interest in dummies.


My labs first retrieve on partridge he had feathers stuck all round his nose lol. He didnt mind though. I used elastic bands and tucked the head under the wing to encourage him to carry the bird properly.

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  On 02/11/2012 at 21:37, WILF said:

I was reading that it can be detrimental to let a young retriever pick up feather to early, why is this?

A few years ago i had a springer pup,we were out shooting wood pigeon and an older dog was retreiving the birds while the pup just watched.After a while mu son made the mistake of letting the pup go for a bird,no problem,the pup ran out and picked up a pigeon which unfortuanatly wasn't dead,as the pup was returning with the bird it whacked him in the face with a wing and that was it,the pup dropped the bird and from that day on refused to pick up feathered game,a promising dog ruined,but we did use him for flushing out pheasants for many years.
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i stick with dummies or tennis balls first off, then move up to feathers strapped to a dummy and rabbit skins, then i'll drop cold game a rabbit or a bird, hen pheasant partridge, i'll also try to use snipe and woodcock if there's any, finally a cock bird or a mallard, then move on to birds shot, only sending out for the odd one and being sure its dead no runners or flappers.


i find the spaniel can get a little bored of canvas if i stop using them so i mix and match the previous stage with the newer one as i move along, my lab doesnt seem to care and is as enthusiastic to pick up a canvas dummy at 9yrs as he was at 3 months.

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