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where to go in the dales?

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  On 02/11/2012 at 19:16, TOMO said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 18:50, 2.8 guy said:

i thought durahm and surounding areas was good hunting, i know a guy from durahm goes round kirby stephens is that near you?


West moorland, ;) know it well


To dodgy around there :whistling:

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Type in Bolton Abby mate,,, when you go through the big gates,, go direct to the big house,, can't miss it..... Most likely the butler will come out,, but if he don't knock on the door and ask for his

That's quiet a tirade there matey, simple question.........what about the many hundreds of decent working dog owners who are un-able to obtain permission?, are their dogs simply to rot in their kennel

Not everyone has permission,i knocked doors for years in the Dales and got zilch,so does that mean i cannot take advantage,at times,of a little recreation for me and the mutt?,i now have enough permis

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  On 02/11/2012 at 18:45, Lukehunt said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 18:43, 2.8 guy said:

luke h, why the dales and how far you want to travel from your home town of durham ?

never been myself and it looks great just for mooching about, and im not bothered lol its just day out with the dogs and something different

just go on google earth mate look for some where in the dales,, satnav it and go,,its hit and miss at first but thats what boys down yer are doing, they been going up there once a week and finding different spots since august, and there coming back with bags of rabbits!!
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i have fair bit of permision in grassington area , as stated before farmers and keepers sick of gangs of blokes turning up with lurchers , air rifles , leaving gates open , stealing traps. Id agree and say theres a good chance of visiting skipton police station , had a few run ins with police even though on permission , armed response last time , all good fun like but if your poaching your having it . Old bill told me theyve been told to crack down on poaching in the area. Its a dark old place at night but lamps can be seen for miles around . Id leave it for the local lads to be honest, the dales aint the be all and end all of rabbiting theres plenty more about , and to be honest with you pal if your dog aint used to running that sort of ground itll smash its self to bits in no time , very unforgiving sort of land .atb B

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin
  On 02/11/2012 at 18:47, trenchfoot said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 18:38, Lukehunt said:

you tried, yous can stop taking the piss now its pathetic, cant even put a simple post on this shit anymore without getting greif of 50 yr old c**ts thinking they know it all


Fair do lad! if you had half the sense and experience of these"50 year olds" you would not have asked the question.

So trot up to Gunnerside and tell 'em Yorkie sent you. I'll give them a call and tell the lads to put the kettle on


Gerry would love that :laugh:

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  On 02/11/2012 at 19:16, TOMO said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 18:50, 2.8 guy said:

i thought durahm and surounding areas was good hunting, i know a guy from durahm goes round kirby stephens is that near you?


West moorland, ;) know it well

The lad wants to save his juice money and go there, the lad i spoke too said he gets great numbers, its on his doorstep id go suited and booted first and knock on a load of doors to try get permission, most of the land round the dales is estate land so even the farms are owned by the shoots, its only a matter of a phone call to the keeper and your getting raced about !
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i went to the dales yesterday and went near buckden area, found a public footpath and walked along it for a few miles, dogs had some great runs and came back with 4 rabbits, better than nothing tbh and we had a quality day out!

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Glad you enjoyed yourself, you went into the heart of the dales there, i think a closer spot would be mallerstang just on the edge of the dales from you, take some advice knock on a few doors try get permission when your not sneaking about you will get way more bunnies and your not looking over your shoulder, you will enjoy it even more atb 2.8

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  On 04/11/2012 at 14:28, Lukehunt said:

i went to the dales yesterday and went near buckden area, found a public footpath and walked along it for a few miles, dogs had some great runs and came back with 4 rabbits, better than nothing tbh and we had a quality day out!


That is called Poaching. It is also clearly unlawful under the terms of the Hunting Act as you did not have the permission of the landowner. The presence of a footpath means you have the right to pass and re-pass, nothing more, nothing less.


Perhaps worse is the irreparable damage actions like this do to legitimate lurcherwork/ferreting. A couple of my mates have permission around that area and there are some lads who PAY to shoot on certain farms in that valley. The fact that some people have spent over 20 years gaining the trust of landowners in the Dales who are now understandably sick to death of people wandering on their land with dogs and WILL now ring the police who are rightly adopting a zero tolerance stance.

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  On 02/11/2012 at 23:38, elisderyn said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 18:45, Lukehunt said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 18:43, 2.8 guy said:

luke h, why the dales and how far you want to travel from your home town of durham ?

never been myself and it looks great just for mooching about, and im not bothered lol its just day out with the dogs and something different

just go on google earth mate look for some where in the dales,, satnav it and go,,its hit and miss at first but thats what boys down yer are doing, they been going up there once a week and finding different spots since august, and there coming back with bags of rabbits!!


Aye, and thats EXACTLY why its f****d lol.


Give it a few years and it will be a waste of time.

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makes me laugh these topics the lad can go where and when he wants i have walked around the dales for years with the dog never had no problems off any one i think it is a case of what they dont see wont bother them leave gates shut and respect the land you will be ok not as though he is going up there killing loads of the rabbits or sheep bashing just out for a mooch with is dog doing no harm glad you had a good walk mate might bump in to you one day as i seen a few lads over the years atb troter

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  On 04/11/2012 at 17:33, omegathelast said:
  On 04/11/2012 at 14:28, Lukehunt said:

i went to the dales yesterday and went near buckden area, found a public footpath and walked along it for a few miles, dogs had some great runs and came back with 4 rabbits, better than nothing tbh and we had a quality day out!


That is called Poaching. It is also clearly unlawful under the terms of the Hunting Act as you did not have the permission of the landowner. The presence of a footpath means you have the right to pass and re-pass, nothing more, nothing less.


Perhaps worse is the irreparable damage actions like this do to legitimate lurcherwork/ferreting. A couple of my mates have permission around that area and there are some lads who PAY to shoot on certain farms in that valley. The fact that some people have spent over 20 years gaining the trust of landowners in the Dales who are now understandably sick to death of people wandering on their land with dogs and WILL now ring the police who are rightly adopting a zero tolerance stance.

Not everyone has permission,i knocked doors for years in the Dales and got zilch,so does that mean i cannot take advantage,at times,of a little recreation for me and the mutt?,i now have enough permission to keep me going,im fortunate,the urge to roam away from said permission takes over now and then,especially if something catches the eye that may suit a gallop.Everybody has poached at times,some do it with good intentions and leave as they find,thats the whole point in owning a lurcher,they have always leant themselves to that task,dogs need running,if youve no permission what are you to do,wait years gaining some,or as is the habit of lurcher owners,get out and do what the dogs bred for.Its the thieving,vandalising morons that bring about the majority of the bad press we get,the lads that follow a footpath,catch a few bunny,s and make a discreet exit are to be applauded,eventually they will get access to land of their own,until then,get on with it and enjoy.If that means stepping on a few toes,tough,who would begrudge a lad a few bunny,s,there,s enough for everbody around that area.
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  On 04/11/2012 at 19:37, morton said:
  On 04/11/2012 at 17:33, omegathelast said:
  On 04/11/2012 at 14:28, Lukehunt said:

i went to the dales yesterday and went near buckden area, found a public footpath and walked along it for a few miles, dogs had some great runs and came back with 4 rabbits, better than nothing tbh and we had a quality day out!


That is called Poaching. It is also clearly unlawful under the terms of the Hunting Act as you did not have the permission of the landowner. The presence of a footpath means you have the right to pass and re-pass, nothing more, nothing less.


Perhaps worse is the irreparable damage actions like this do to legitimate lurcherwork/ferreting. A couple of my mates have permission around that area and there are some lads who PAY to shoot on certain farms in that valley. The fact that some people have spent over 20 years gaining the trust of landowners in the Dales who are now understandably sick to death of people wandering on their land with dogs and WILL now ring the police who are rightly adopting a zero tolerance stance.

Not everyone has permission,i knocked doors for years in the Dales and got zilch,so does that mean i cannot take advantage,at times,of a little recreation for me and the mutt?,i now have enough permission to keep me going,im fortunate,the urge to roam away from said permission takes over now and then,especially if something catches the eye that may suit a gallop.Everybody has poached at times,some do it with good intentions and leave as they find,thats the whole point in owning a lurcher,they have always leant themselves to that task,dogs need running,if youve no permission what are you to do,wait years gaining some,or as is the habit of lurcher owners,get out and do what the dogs bred for.Its the thieving,vandalising morons that bring about the majority of the bad press we get,the lads that follow a footpath,catch a few bunny,s and make a discreet exit are to be applauded,eventually they will get access to land of their own,until then,get on with it and enjoy.If that means stepping on a few toes,tough,who would begrudge a lad a few bunny,s,there,s enough for everbody around that area.

great post mate said how it is atb troter
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  On 02/11/2012 at 18:29, chartpolski said:

Sounds like "The Dales" is now some magical, mythical place for rabbits, as "The Fens" is for hares, to some of the younger, less experienced members !! LOL !! :thumbs:



well if people put pics up of large hauls off the dales ,then its obviously going to attract yougsters to want to go there and try it out for themselfs . dont you think so charty .my lad sold a terrier to a keeper up there some time ago and weve got an invitation to go , so we will get round to it sometime this winter .i just dont fancy the drive at the mo
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