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where to go in the dales?

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  On 05/11/2012 at 11:36, Giro said:
  On 05/11/2012 at 11:18, Ideation said:
  On 04/11/2012 at 23:57, ernlad said:

for once i was right,, you are a bad ONE,,, its wrote all over some folks mush,,,,YOU ARE NOT to be trusted,,,slashing a dog mans tyer,s... when your no saint your self,,,,your the type sh,t what get in the tred of my boots,,, your,,bad bad,man,,, i shud not of put man,,,


You an idiot mate, and so is the lad that dug up that old thread.


I have never slashed anyones tires, the point i made was if i had permission that was getting hammered by someone and they were proper f*****g it up for me, i'd be tempted to take drastic action (NO - NOT call the police before you think that).


If you could fecking read it might help!


You were right about what, you fool? That i'm NOT TO BE TRUSTED. And why is that?


How many times have you had a chat to the police eh?


Trying to make out someone is a snake and a grass, just because they dont like you, now THAT is low.



Your the Idiot now you would be "tempted" ha ha ...


What about your line about going back with "a big friend" ??


Your a f*****g fanny back peddle yourself from that one :laugh: :laugh:

he,s not fanny,,, a fanny has use,,,, this bloke a snake in the grass,,and not to be trusted,,
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Type in Bolton Abby mate,,, when you go through the big gates,, go direct to the big house,, can't miss it..... Most likely the butler will come out,, but if he don't knock on the door and ask for his

That's quiet a tirade there matey, simple question.........what about the many hundreds of decent working dog owners who are un-able to obtain permission?, are their dogs simply to rot in their kennel

Not everyone has permission,i knocked doors for years in the Dales and got zilch,so does that mean i cannot take advantage,at times,of a little recreation for me and the mutt?,i now have enough permis

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  On 05/11/2012 at 11:38, CHALKWARREN said:
  On 05/11/2012 at 08:43, omegathelast said:

I do actually understand how frustrating it can be if you love your working dogs and do not have permission and accept that a 'mouch' seems innocent enough. I still say you should try and try again because if you go about it in the right way you will eventually get some and once you get one it is so much easier to get more :thumbs: or try and get out with some lads that have some land. Whilst it might be an innocent mooch, you are probably tramping on land where some one has permission or shooting rights. If you have some permission you won't get tarred with the same brush as the minority of idiots that have ruined the reputation of the sport we all love. It is also so much more enjoyable being able to relax and concentrate on working your dogs.


I had a bit of a rant yesterday, possibly a bit OTT! but like most on here I have a passion for lurcherwork. Whether we like it or not land owners are very sceptical and suspicious because of things that have happened like generators going missing etc In many cases the finger is being pointed directly at dog men. One of the farmers (great bloke) where we used to go had a quad nicked and all the evidence at that time pointed to a van with men and dogs in the back - he would'nt make that up. The story about the dog being thrown out of the Transit is 100% true and was shameful. On the permission I have now got back the farmers made it very clear they wouldnt have let anyone else on because of problems they had had in the area, including dog lads wandering across their land - even at lambing time!! One has now insisted I phone him everytime I plan to go on so he can be sure its me if he 'gets a phone call'. In the past he didnt care so it just shows how times have sadly changed.


I will refrain from further ranting (at the moment) and all the best to those who are trying for permission.


:hmm: I understand what you are saying fellah,..and for guys that have a fair bit of land to go on,..it must be galling to see other lads walking over it.


Truth is,...there is not enough land for all the men, that want to work their jukels and ferrets..


This is a fact,..and no amount of door knocking and polite requests to have a mouch, will provide them with hunting grounds...


SO,..hunting men are faced with certain choices,..(and I've been making similar choices for the last 50 fecking years,.so nothing has actually changed).... :laugh:


The first choice is to accept the limitations of permission,...treat it with kid gloves and work the land systematically,..and sparingly,..for ALL land will become barren after a regular session, by competent fellahs,...OR,..if they wish to continue with the hunting life,.they have to freelance....take a few risks,..and keep on ,.keeping on....or,..QUIT...


There is no other answer...


I have always wandered,.fence hopped and gone where I want,.when I want......nowadays,..my life has changed and I walk a different path, but it would be hypocritical of myself (and a thousand others)....to condemn them as want to 'walk the walk'.....

Only those who have been forced to do so,.. will understand.... :yes:


Whatever,..the Dales is an exciting area,.and will always attract keen hunters,..and until there are no rabbits left to catch,.it always will...


All the best, CHALKWARREN...


Great post

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  On 05/11/2012 at 10:00, WILF said:

The shooting times is one of the very worst for it, they had an article in there saying people offering to do free pest control were most likely criminals looking to steal things!!!!!


The fact is that a place I have permission on local has seen the trouble from thieves drop to almost zero because I am up there so often and people know someone is about at odd times of the night.

It's the places that don't allow lamping local that get all the hassle, they have seen vast amounts of equipment stolen overnight.


I feel the rest of the hunting community are very much to blame in for a lot of the prejudice about working lurchers with the pull up the ladder mentality......but to be honest I have never seen a bloke pigeon shooting, flying hawks or working ferrets at 2 o'clock in the morning which is when most of the crime is happening.


A decent regular team of lamping lads working closely with a land owner are a real bonus security wise.


It's a self fuelling thing, farmers and land owners have hassle, are misinformed that its has something to do with dogs, won't give out permission, so lads have to jump over a fence and so the whole circle starts again.



good post this wilf . i read the cmw this last weds and all it did was criminalize the genuine lurcher man ,poxy rag as it is , every lurcher man in the country should boycott it and not buy it . theyre as bad as the propaganda merchants
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  On 05/11/2012 at 12:27, dytkos said:
  On 04/11/2012 at 22:34, darbo said:

I blame g.hoskers write ups in the shooting news in the 80s. :laugh:



Outside GH's forge.



The perm came after the flares :laugh:


Cheers, D.


Is that you then D ?

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ernlad you're mates with the biggest snake in the grass there is, people who live in glass houses and all that!!!


Now I know Jai personally and class him as a real good mate, he may come across as a bit obnoxious, opinionated and a bit hypocritical at times BUT he's no feckin grass mate I can tell you that for nothing.


ernlad did you not get interviewed by the police about certain stuff then give the tape to the prick for him to post on here???????????

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