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Dog in need of rabbits!!!!

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I wouldn't go round offering them money, several reasons,


its bad for our sport, by that i mean, i live in your area and if the farmers think they can get a few quid from you what chance do i stand of gettting it for free :blink::D


Put your self in the farmers position, if some one is offering to pay, to do something to benifit you when its the norm for its to be free, would you think that person is professional or an amatur falling to their last resort? They would rather someone who looks and sound the dogs' and keep all there livestock LIVE than make a couple of quid.


You see where im coming from? :D:victory:




Yes i see what you mean john when i mentioned paying them i didnt mean a great deal of money i just meant a bottle of whisky or something an not all the time just when trying to get permission initailly.


How did you get your permission by the way and do you have to travel quite a bit???


Thanks for your help john







look at my reply to john2007oliver!!!!

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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there

good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:



are you suggesting trespass ?

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i started my permission with the woman who deliverd my milk but it took six months to get the permission as she wanted me to speak to her husband, i spent six months in the fields in front of the farm so he could see that my dogs were well trained and stock broken, now six years later i go shooting with they're two son's and i have permission on the farms on the surrounding area's good luck yours broomer

Edited by broomer
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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there

good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:



are you suggesting trespass ?


are you for real


tresspass is quite a strong word

its more like freedom to rome


the land was here before i was born

and it will be here long after i die

so how can 1 man lay claim to it


now why the feck am i explaining my self


feck it lad do what i do

if theres game to be taken take it


and dont let these lads bull shit you that they dont



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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there

good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:



are you suggesting trespass ?




are you for real


tresspass is quite a strong word

its more like freedom to rome


the land was here before i was born

and it will be here long after i die

so how can 1 man lay claim to it


now why the feck am i explaining my self


feck it lad do what i do

if theres game to be taken take it


and dont let these lads bull shit you that they dont




well if people do tresspass they should keep it to them selves. only an idiot would let people know what their up to.


the land where your home lies... i take it was there long before you were born ? and i take it will be there long after youre gone ? so how can anyone lay claim to it. eehhhh would it be because someone has paid for it ? or wouldnt you mind if someone was in your home when you came back home... think about it. with comments like that you give fellow hunters a bad name....



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good reply bob,good to see there are others like me,, back in scotland i go were i want as you say freedom to roam ..down south i have found lots of common land were you can roam no probs get a survey map of the local area you will be amazed the amount of common land there is ,,all the best


get real ritchie ,,,

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good reply bob,good to see there are others like me,, back in scotland i go were i want as you say freedom to roam ..down south i have found lots of common land were you can roam no probs get a survey map of the local area you will be amazed the amount of common land there is ,,all the best



maybe he should of put in his post if he meant common land..

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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there

good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:



are you suggesting trespass ?




are you for real


tresspass is quite a strong word

its more like freedom to rome


the land was here before i was born

and it will be here long after i die

so how can 1 man lay claim to it


now why the feck am i explaining my self


feck it lad do what i do

if theres game to be taken take it


and dont let these lads bull shit you that they dont




well if people do tresspass they should keep it to them selves. only an idiot would let people know what their up to.


the land where your home lies... i take it was there long before you were born ? and i take it will be there long after youre gone ? so how can anyone lay claim to it. eehhhh would it be because someone has paid for it ? or wouldnt you mind if someone was in your home when you came back home... think about it. with comments like that you give fellow hunters a bad name....







good reply bob,good to see there are others like me,, back in scotland i go were i want as you say freedom to roam ..down south i have found lots of common land were you can roam no probs get a survey map of the local area you will be amazed the amount of common land there is ,,all the best


get real ritchie ,,,



just saying it like it is fella


theres to many people up them selves



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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there

good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:



are you suggesting trespass ?




are you for real


tresspass is quite a strong word

its more like freedom to rome


the land was here before i was born

and it will be here long after i die

so how can 1 man lay claim to it


now why the feck am i explaining my self


feck it lad do what i do

if theres game to be taken take it


and dont let these lads bull shit you that they dont




well if people do tresspass they should keep it to them selves. only an idiot would let people know what their up to.


the land where your home lies... i take it was there long before you were born ? and i take it will be there long after youre gone ? so how can anyone lay claim to it. eehhhh would it be because someone has paid for it ? or wouldnt you mind if someone was in your home when you came back home... think about it. with comments like that you give fellow hunters a bad name....








yeah sounds about right.... may be you should get some. and did i touch a nerve ? yeah it makes sense what i say. thats all im saying on the matter. :feck:

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yeah sounds about right.... may be you should get some. and did i touch a nerve ? yeah it makes sense what i say. thats all im saying on the matter. :feck:



fella i think if you take your head out of your arse you might see a few more rabbits



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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there

good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:



are you suggesting trespass ?


are you for real


tresspass is quite a strong word

its more like freedom to rome


the land was here before i was born

and it will be here long after i die

so how can 1 man lay claim to it


now why the feck am i explaining my self


feck it lad do what i do

if theres game to be taken take it


and dont let these lads bull shit you that they dont




Thanks BoB


Your quite right!!!! :D

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Richie you sound a right jobsworth :no:


Are there any shoots near you? You could go beating for them, get friendly with the keeper, maybe offer him some free help, thats how I went about it :thumbs-up:. Well sort of I got caught poaching by him, I went beating for him at his shoot, permission then came ;)

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Richie you sound a right jobsworth :no:


Are there any shoots near you? You could go beating for them, get friendly with the keeper, maybe offer him some free help, thats how I went about it :thumbs-up:. Well sort of I got caught poaching by him, I went beating for him at his shoot, permission then came ;)


I dont know of any shoots near me?? :( although i am willing to travel!!!! thanks for the advice :D

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