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Dog in need of rabbits!!!!

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Hello everyone! :)


Im looking for a bit of advice which will be greatly appreciated, I've just got my first lurcher since i was a lad an pretty soon he will be ready for his first bunny only trouble is i'm having no luck with permission! :( I'm willing to travel anywhere in the North west and North wales and even pay a small fee but everyone i ask has refused!!!


If anyone can let me know how they got there permission or even if they know of any farmers up my way who will allow a bit of rabbiting i would be over the moon!!!


Also is there some kind of insurance i can get that would make the land owners happier???



Thanks everyone

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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there


good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:

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from what i can gather the best way to get permission up north

would be to ask for ferriting permission

then later on mention you would be able to get more rabbits

if you were able to bring your dog along


or you could be like a lot of people

and have extensive permission :whistle:

but if you take that road

just rember to treat the land as if it were your permission

then no fecker would ever have known youve been there


good luck in finding your bunnys :victory:


Thanks alot for the advice greatly apreciated i think i have to do what you said because im having no look asking!!! :( Shame really!!!!!


Also is there some kind of insurance i can get that would make the land owners happier???


Join SACS, my main permission insist on seeing my insurance........



Whats SACS mate have you got a link?? Its a shame how hard it is to get permission nowadays!!!! :(


Thanks for your help mate!!!!!!


If you send me a tenner I will print you off a top quality "Roving Commission" certificate, it covers the whole of Scotland :D



Whats that mate ??? I think Scotland could be a little to far although i do visit my sister in perth from time to time!!!1 :)

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If you send me a tenner I will print you off a top quality "Roving Commission" certificate, it covers the whole of Scotland :D



Whats that mate ??? I think Scotland could be a little to far although i do visit my sister in perth from time to time!!!1 :)




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Also is there some kind of insurance i can get that would make the land owners happier???


Join SACS, my main permission insist on seeing my insurance........


Whats SACS mate have you got a link?? Its a shame how hard it is to get permission nowadays!!!!


Thanks for your help mate!!!!!!

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dont give in asking mate it dose get you down but keep trying you will hit gold in the end this time last year i had nowt now i have 8 farms and 3 are on prime game easte.. Some i cant lamp but i am still ferretting and grooming the farmers for my lampin lol.. I got one last week told me practically i could do what i like just dont borther his beasts..

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Guest world.hunters

heres a few more pics for ya mate











looking a nice dog there mate all the best for the future and we will have to meet up some time and take em out for abit of sport.

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Here you go :




Thanks for your help SJM :D



dont give in asking mate it dose get you down but keep trying you will hit gold in the end this time last year i had nowt now i have 8 farms and 3 are on prime game easte.. Some i cant lamp but i am still ferretting and grooming the farmers for my lampin lol.. I got one last week told me practically i could do what i like just dont borther his beasts..



Thanks Giro theres got to be some farmers out there looking to make a little extra cash!!!!

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Guest john2007oliver

I wouldn't go round offering them money, several reasons,


its bad for our sport, by that i mean, i live in your area and if the farmers think they can get a few quid from you what chance do i stand of gettting it for free :blink::D


Put your self in the farmers position, if some one is offering to pay, to do something to benifit you when its the norm for its to be free, would you think that person is professional or an amatur falling to their last resort? They would rather someone who looks and sound the dogs' and keep all there livestock LIVE than make a couple of quid.


You see where im coming from? :D:victory:



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