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Hawke map6 scope on s200

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Im looking to upgrade my scope. I have been looking at the hawke scope with the MAP reticles. Does any one have any experience with these? it will be going on a aa s200 .177. They seem like a great idea wander if it works well. The only thing that puts me of is that its made to work on 6x zoom only which is where i feel it has a disadvantage over mill dot.


Any thoughts?



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The Sr6 is for x6 , an Sr12 are 12mag I think. Why do u think it has a disadvantage over x6 mag? If your on about the mildots not being true at x6 , the Sr6 is designed to work on x6 ..but I could be wrong. On BAR there's explanations of all the Hawke rets


With the magnification i mean that on the MAP scopes they are designed and laid out to work on x6, whereas a mildot will work on whichever magnification you chooses to use and learn it on. Unless i misunderstand it.

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Hi Ledders


From what I gather the map 6 is supposed to work best with 11.5 ftlb in .22 Then the recticle dots give easily remembered 5 yd intervals. With .177 you would use BRC to tell you your distances.


See Here...





Many people think they need a 9 or 12 x scope but really I use 6x a lot for hunting out to 50 yds. Don't forget a lot of HFT shooters like 6x for the depth of field too. At night lower mag. collects more light as well. so win win.


With mil dots at 6x a half mil dot scope to make sense as the there will be less need to judge the gaps.



Edited by HW 96.5
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