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Took my lurchers out yesterday and for some reason my brindle dog went for a sheep totally out of the blue and once one goes others usually follow lucky my older bitch new right from wrong and listened straight away and was by my side ! Lost all trust for the dog now right at the start of the season aswell !

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thats a bit of baaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddddd luck lol :laugh: :laugh:


on a serious note mate i feel for you. theres nothing worse but it's not the end. with some hard work and plenty of time you may turn the dog around. to many dog men see it as the end.


how old is the dog?

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were did it happen mate was it in a field or on a hill side?


a friends lurcher did the same at three. didn't bother with them then something just switched. he used the dog for hunting up in the day on the hill side needless to say it didn't end well for the dog. shame too he was a good dog

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I live on a dairy farm and we have calves and yearlings in the paddock in front of our house all year round, also have cows walk past the house every day. my dogs are sound with them but one day when i let them out of their pens they pulled down a yearling in the front paddock! they copped a belting and haven't gone back since. So you shouldn't have a worry getting your dog sheep proofed again..

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hi wales 1234 i feel for you mate been there myself on 1 or 2 occasions years ago but i think you might know the awnser to this one yourself if the dog has done it before,you can go back to the start walk out on the lead through sheep checking him every time he looks at them even use an electric collar and he might be ok but you know yourself everytime you slip the dog and he goes out off sight your heart will be in your mouth until he returns and wondering are there sheep over there what if this happens and that happens, you were very lucky no one saw you, you could have got a big vets bill or even a day in coart most farmers will not tollerate this behaveour and rightly so you could have spoiled it for a lot of other good hunting men, unless you can trust a dog any dog not just a lurcher 100%there is no pleasure in takeing it out i know its a hard dession to make i had to make it myself but until you make it you wont enjoy a days hunting or mooching with that dog or with any other dog you have out with it atb coverdogs

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I'm sorry to say, but if a dog has went for sheep once, there is a big problem, but if a dog does it twice, then it has to be the owners fault ! I'm also sorry to say that if a dog has done it twice, over a fair space of time, as you say; then I doubt you will cure it ! The answer to your problem can only be answered by you ! Persevere with the dog; give it to a pet home or PTS.... that can only be your choice; but a serial sheep worrier will only end up in tears !!


I wish you the best of luck, mate ! :thumbs:



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  On 02/11/2012 at 22:07, chartpolski said:

I'm sorry to say, but if a dog has went for sheep once, there is a big problem, but if a dog does it twice, then it has to be the owners fault ! I'm also sorry to say that if a dog has done it twice, over a fair space of time, as you say; then I doubt you will cure it ! The answer to your problem can only be answered by you ! Persevere with the dog; give it to a pet home or PTS.... that can only be your choice; but a serial sheep worrier will only end up in tears !!


I wish you the best of luck, mate ! :thumbs:



totally disagree,had a very good dog 4 years old ,never even looked at sheep.NEVER, and as good dog men do,every now and again ,a stern voice as i passed through the wooly backs.in 30 years,never had an adult dog go for sheep .the proper schooling had been done.well this dog had a very bad accident and had stoped breathing for over a minute.his spine was badly bruised from head to tip of his tail. paralised for 3 weeks .now 7 months of rehab and the dog was brought back gently.,never a sign of a problem .out working a moor and he was stood there marking,bang out comes a wooly,he went straight on to the throat,luckily i was close.now i lost all trust in that dog.but a mate who was there ,said that in his opinion the dog had just made a mistake :icon_eek: 6 weeks of back to basics,and another couple of months work on the moors,always watching ,worrying....... :hmm: :hmm: then one day he just took off ,ran through a load of sheep .up a hill and straight onto a single sheep..i got that dog gelded and a pet home,never to be bred off :censored: NOW it did it twice,how was that my fault :icon_eek: :icon_eek:
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  On 02/11/2012 at 22:29, bendrover said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 22:07, chartpolski said:

I'm sorry to say, but if a dog has went for sheep once, there is a big problem, but if a dog does it twice, then it has to be the owners fault ! I'm also sorry to say that if a dog has done it twice, over a fair space of time, as you say; then I doubt you will cure it ! The answer to your problem can only be answered by you ! Persevere with the dog; give it to a pet home or PTS.... that can only be your choice; but a serial sheep worrier will only end up in tears !!


I wish you the best of luck, mate ! :thumbs:



totally disagree,had a very good dog 4 years old ,never even looked at sheep.NEVER, and as good dog men do,every now and again ,a stern voice as i passed through the wooly backs.in 30 years,never had an adult dog go for sheep .the proper schooling had been done.well this dog had a very bad accident and had stoped breathing for over a minute.his spine was badly bruised from head to tip of his tail. paralised for 3 weeks .now 7 months of rehab and the dog was brought back gently.,never a sign of a problem .out working a moor and he was stood there marking,bang out comes a wooly,he went straight on to the throat,luckily i was close.now i lost all trust in that dog.but a mate who was there ,said that in his opinion the dog had just made a mistake :icon_eek: 6 weeks of back to basics,and another couple of months work on the moors,always watching ,worrying....... :hmm: :hmm: then one day he just took off ,ran through a load of sheep .up a hill and straight onto a single sheep..i got that dog gelded and a pet home,never to be bred off :censored: NOW it did it twice,how was that my fault :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


What the hell are you disagreeing about ?? A dog does sheep, never mind all the sob story, then it does it again ?? FFS !! It has to be the owners fault ANY time a dog does wrong... We are the OWNERS of the dogs !! If you are going to blame the dog for going for sheep; perhaps you shouldn't own a dog ??

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  On 02/11/2012 at 22:50, chartpolski said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 22:29, bendrover said:
  On 02/11/2012 at 22:07, chartpolski said:

I'm sorry to say, but if a dog has went for sheep once, there is a big problem, but if a dog does it twice, then it has to be the owners fault ! I'm also sorry to say that if a dog has done it twice, over a fair space of time, as you say; then I doubt you will cure it ! The answer to your problem can only be answered by you ! Persevere with the dog; give it to a pet home or PTS.... that can only be your choice; but a serial sheep worrier will only end up in tears !!


I wish you the best of luck, mate ! :thumbs:



totally disagree,had a very good dog 4 years old ,never even looked at sheep.NEVER, and as good dog men do,every now and again ,a stern voice as i passed through the wooly backs.in 30 years,never had an adult dog go for sheep .the proper schooling had been done.well this dog had a very bad accident and had stoped breathing for over a minute.his spine was badly bruised from head to tip of his tail. paralised for 3 weeks .now 7 months of rehab and the dog was brought back gently.,never a sign of a problem .out working a moor and he was stood there marking,bang out comes a wooly,he went straight on to the throat,luckily i was close.now i lost all trust in that dog.but a mate who was there ,said that in his opinion the dog had just made a mistake :icon_eek: 6 weeks of back to basics,and another couple of months work on the moors,always watching ,worrying....... :hmm: :hmm: then one day he just took off ,ran through a load of sheep .up a hill and straight onto a single sheep..i got that dog gelded and a pet home,never to be bred off :censored: NOW it did it twice,how was that my fault :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


What the hell are you disagreeing about ?? A dog does sheep, never mind all the sob story, then it does it again ?? FFS !! It has to be the owners fault ANY time a dog does wrong... We are the OWNERS of the dogs !! If you are going to blame the dog for going for sheep; perhaps you shouldn't own a dog ??

you really want to read back on yourself,ffs,sob story ,no a reason, and you state its the owners fault,every time eh .get a life..are you the oracle of the hunting life.wind your kneck in,silly man.
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