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mental/physical development in different types/breeds

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Hi there I've gt a saluki and have been told he mentaly won't be ready for working till 2/3 yr because saluki xs mature slower than most others.


So dose this mean id be ok working say a collie x at 16month or bull x and are saluki xs the longest to mentaly/physicaly mature.

Im happy with my dog all the same and don't mind going slow if it helps him in long run would just like others opinions.


Sorry if seem stupid question just i would like to no overall difference and can i state i no bones don't develop till 1/2yrs.

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That's bollox mate.


I wouldn't work the arse off any pup regardless of breed. But saluki crosses aren't the slowest to mature, I believe deerhounds are.


I'd start letting most pups have a look at what's what at around 10-12 months if they seemed ready.


It's all personal preference though.



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i have a deerhoundxgreyxbull and he is about 18 month now. he has been working on the lamp for a while but has only stareted to calm down the past month. before, all he wanted to do was play and was very puppyish, but even now you can still see the puppy inside him now on walks wanting to play all the time. but as soon as your out on the lamp he switches and acts very mature.

Physicality wise, he has been a lump since he was about 12 months but only the past 2/3 months has started to bulk out and doesnt look as racy and leggy.

this is when he was about 12 monthish



and this is most recent bulked out a bit



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had a saluki cross bitch and she was very switched on from 7 month old,


started picking up rabbits at 8 months that terriers bushed out on our walks,


was lamping like a pro at 11 months,


to many people tar all salukis with the 1 brush


as i said that dog was very switched on from an early stage so i knew she was ready for that lamp.


you should no yourself when shes ready,

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