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Anybody got any 13" Terriers and how are they in the field?

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  On 03/11/2012 at 17:57, coonboy said:

@down south if its a load of bollox why do loads of people on here moan or have a go when peeps are breeding of untested dogs bushers and ratters ? coz surley chasing a few rabbits frew a bush isent a test for a terrier and the breeding of untested dogs spreads shit dose it ? am not tryin to argue with ya tryin to get ma head around it ?

Exactly people breeding off untested or poor quality dogs is what ruins working terriers.But somebody using a terrier for bushing wont hurt the working terrier as long as they dont try to produce digging dogs from it.Also ive had digging terriers that i would allow to bush rabbits in the summer or on exercise to help keep them fit and to stop them getting bored and it didnt make them any less of a digging terrier.
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I have a couple of little ones. What they lack in size they make up for in drive. They have problems keeping up with hogs, but with small game they hold their own.

inches dont matter! only to your wife"

I also like to allow one terrier to work loose when checking earths ive also seen a good few digging terriers that are never allowed off the lead unless working try to f**k off every chance they get t

  On 03/11/2012 at 17:52, coonboy said:

not really my cup of tea that tam sounds to me like its using terriers to play wing man for a lurcher

Nowt ! up with that I.M.O. if thats what they excell at ;)

Different Terriers ,Different Games !! Terriers all the same :thumbs: get the ones that suit your NEEDS ! thats all...And Your needs Change from time to time..We can't all be HARDCORE diggers :D

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but they do produce un needed litters and they do get out ther how many adds do we see in the for sale section saying good working parents and after a few questions of experianced folk find out the dams had a few rats and the sires chased a few rabbits theres loads out ther its to easy to say a terriers a cracking busher weras ya cant fool folk as easily sayin its a crcking earth dog due to the proof being in the pudding i just belive terriers are for digging and are jobs as owners and lovers is to work them and test them to ther full ,,, tam that mighnt suit u pal but me personaly i whuld never let my terriers play second fiddle to no animal they deserve the lime light in my book

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Coonboy ,I Fell pray to that Bollocks ! more Fool me :icon_redface: but found out dogs EXCELL at Covering cover...was not what my intentions for them was ..Shouldn't have listened to the Sugar coating :bye: But Did ! ..

So a New Vocation for them..not one I'm going to be Playing in...but Know they will do a Job Elsewhere.

The Guy should have Not been Ashamed of not OWNING or WORKING a digging dog....And been proud to have a Type that Exell at the Job their good at ...Providing Fodder for Gun and Lurcher..but the Terrier Game is Full off TESTOSTORNE seeped brains ...Billybig Balls !!! so Lied...

Me I'll keep the Pup ..see how things turn out ..He's got a job He can do..and IF ! he can move up a notch GREAT ! if not I 'll just fall back on the OL' Reliables ,they just happen to come in Black & Tan :laugh: and as a Plus note. Todays trip ,let me Know the Blood I thought had lost ,Hasn't been .A grand daughter has appeared with a litter ....all B&T... :boogy:

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  On 03/11/2012 at 18:17, coonboy said:

but they do produce un needed litters and they do get out ther how many adds do we see in the for sale section saying good working parents and after a few questions of experianced folk find out the dams had a few rats and the sires chased a few rabbits theres loads out ther its to easy to say a terriers a cracking busher weras ya cant fool folk as easily sayin its a crcking earth dog due to the proof being in the pudding i just belive terriers are for digging and are jobs as owners and lovers is to work them and test them to ther full ,,, tam that mighnt suit u pal but me personaly i whuld never let my terriers play second fiddle to no animal they deserve the lime light in my book

At the end of the day any serious terrierman isnt going to buy a pup out of bushing parents.He/She also wont stud one of his digging terriers on a bushing bitch and wont let a bushing dog on one of his digging bitches and if he does get duped by someone claiming their busher/ratter is a proper working terrier then he really isnt that serious about his dogs.If some fella chooses to use a terrier for bushing i cant see how it has any affect on serious terriermen or their dogs.
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  On 03/11/2012 at 18:36, downsouth said:
  On 03/11/2012 at 18:17, coonboy said:

but they do produce un needed litters and they do get out ther how many adds do we see in the for sale section saying good working parents and after a few questions of experianced folk find out the dams had a few rats and the sires chased a few rabbits theres loads out ther its to easy to say a terriers a cracking busher weras ya cant fool folk as easily sayin its a crcking earth dog due to the proof being in the pudding i just belive terriers are for digging and are jobs as owners and lovers is to work them and test them to ther full ,,, tam that mighnt suit u pal but me personaly i whuld never let my terriers play second fiddle to no animal they deserve the lime light in my book

At the end of the day any serious terrierman isnt going to buy a pup out of bushing parents.He/She also wont stud one of his digging terriers on a bushing bitch and wont let a bushing dog on one of his digging bitches and if he does get duped by someone claiming their busher/ratter is a proper working terrier then he really isnt that serious about his dogs.If some fella chooses to use a terrier for bushing i cant see how it has any affect on serious terriermen or their dogs.

i agree with ya 100% but begginers get duped all the time not evryones got the moarals and principals to resist a 1200 quid litter
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  On 03/11/2012 at 18:36, Tam O said:

Coonboy ,I Fell pray to that Bollocks ! more Fool me :icon_redface: but found out dogs EXCELL at Covering cover...was not what my intentions for them was ..Shouldn't have listened to the Sugar coating :bye: But Did ! ..

So a New Vocation for them..not one I'm going to be Playing in...but Know they will do a Job Elsewhere.

The Guy should have Not been Ashamed of not OWNING or WORKING a digging dog....And been proud to have a Type that Exell at the Job their good at ...Providing Fodder for Gun and Lurcher..but the Terrier Game is Full off TESTOSTORNE seeped brains ...Billybig Balls !!! so Lied...

Me I'll keep the Pup ..see how things turn out ..He's got a job He can do..and IF ! he can move up a notch GREAT ! if not I 'll just fall back on the OL' Reliables ,they just happen to come in Black & Tan :laugh: and as a Plus note. Todays trip ,let me Know the Blood I thought had lost ,Hasn't been .A grand daughter has appeared with a litter ....all B&T... :boogy:

i hope he dose exactly as you want him to tam and he makes you happy coz thats all what really matters that he makes you happy and you do the right thing by him and his offspring !-)
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  On 03/11/2012 at 18:50, Tam O said:

DS ...Define Serious Terrierman... :hmm:

Coonboy.. Not a Beginner,nor Paid Big money..was meant to be Gifted for work :icon_redface: but still ended up with Dogs .I.M.O. are not Digging Dogs !go figure :blink:

A terrierman who uses his dogs for what they were origionally bred for(earthwork) and excepts nothing less.As ive alredy said i have nothing against lads who use terriers for other stuff i dont mind a bit of bushing myself but i wouldnt class it as terrierwork and would not breed off a terrier that was used for just bushing.
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all whats needed in the uk terrier game is more honesty and less backstabbing and the shit whuld dwindel out,, ive also fell for the bullshit when i started out frew my impatience to work and own my own diging dog coz truth be told it makes you proud as f**k when you got one what makes you happy

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  On 03/11/2012 at 19:02, downsouth said:
  On 03/11/2012 at 18:50, Tam O said:

DS ...Define Serious Terrierman... :hmm:

Coonboy.. Not a Beginner,nor Paid Big money..was meant to be Gifted for work :icon_redface: but still ended up with Dogs .I.M.O. are not Digging Dogs !go figure :blink:

A terrierman who uses his dogs for what they were origionally bred for(earthwork) and excepts nothing less.As ive alredy said i have nothing against lads who use terriers for other stuff i dont mind a bit of bushing myself but i wouldnt class it as terrierwork and would not breed off a terrier that was used for just bushing.

So A man who as a YARD full of Terriers ,for EVERY occasion,would be Deemed NOT serious :hmm: and if he done a bit of beating ,picking up or what ever else a Canine can do ..Not SERIOUS.. :huh: the opposite I.M.O. a DOG MAN and not a one Trick pony ;)
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  On 03/11/2012 at 19:13, Tam O said:
  On 03/11/2012 at 19:02, downsouth said:
  On 03/11/2012 at 18:50, Tam O said:

DS ...Define Serious Terrierman... :hmm:

Coonboy.. Not a Beginner,nor Paid Big money..was meant to be Gifted for work :icon_redface: but still ended up with Dogs .I.M.O. are not Digging Dogs !go figure :blink:

A terrierman who uses his dogs for what they were origionally bred for(earthwork) and excepts nothing less.As ive alredy said i have nothing against lads who use terriers for other stuff i dont mind a bit of bushing myself but i wouldnt class it as terrierwork and would not breed off a terrier that was used for just bushing.

So A man who as a YARD full of Terriers ,for EVERY occasion,would be Deemed NOT serious :hmm: and if he done a bit of beating ,picking up or what ever else a Canine can do ..Not SERIOUS.. :huh: the opposite I.M.O. a DOG MAN and not a one Trick pony ;)

in my book no tam he be a dog man coz he wasting his time beating for shooters when he shuld be digging his terrier :tongue2:
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  On 03/11/2012 at 19:13, Tam O said:
  On 03/11/2012 at 19:02, downsouth said:
  On 03/11/2012 at 18:50, Tam O said:

DS ...Define Serious Terrierman... :hmm:

Coonboy.. Not a Beginner,nor Paid Big money..was meant to be Gifted for work :icon_redface: but still ended up with Dogs .I.M.O. are not Digging Dogs !go figure :blink:

A terrierman who uses his dogs for what they were origionally bred for(earthwork) and excepts nothing less.As ive alredy said i have nothing against lads who use terriers for other stuff i dont mind a bit of bushing myself but i wouldnt class it as terrierwork and would not breed off a terrier that was used for just bushing.

So A man who as a YARD full of Terriers ,for EVERY occasion,would be Deemed NOT serious :hmm: and if he done a bit of beating ,picking up or what ever else a Canine can do ..Not SERIOUS.. :huh: the opposite I.M.O. a DOG MAN and not a one Trick pony ;)

If among that yard full of terriers he has a grop of Digging terriers that he gets out and works and only breeds them to other digging terriers then yes he is a serious terrierman.But if he breeds them terriers to bushers then no and if he only keeps terriers for bushing then hes a bloke having a bit of fun with some terriers.
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