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Just been kicked off a permission

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another uneducated anti mate hope you get avote of confidence from the rest and she will have to nibble on apiece of humble pie -billy

It might be worth seeing if you can attend the meeting and offer to give a short talk on the damage rabbit do (which im sure they already know) and the service you provide free of charge to help keep

Allotment holders want vermin killed, they dont spend all there spare time growing stuff for doos rabbit & rats to help them selves.. I reacon you'll be surprised at the out come.. If she says it'

Thanks lads.


To be honest I have enough permissions and this one is just a small one that I sometimes shoot 1 or 2 bunnies a time on for a friend who gave me permission a year ago.


I'm doing him and the other owners a favour for free really.


Its not the loosing it that bothers me but more now the woman was and her manner towards a man in combat trousers and Jack Pyke jacket.


I know that by next year if I loose it the place due to its small size 80 metres across by 80 metres long will be infested with bunnies and then there will be a real problem.



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Well, you'll soon see when all the veg starts getting scoffed. Legally speaking you had every right to be there as obviously, someone had to give you permission in the first place and you've established yourself there or there would have been trouble sooner.


Polkey's suggestion is courteous and sensible. I like that. But what concerns me more is the fact that she seemed to aim her car at your rifle.


That is an act punishable by the courts.


Bring that one up at her next bloody meeting!


Hope you are well mate.



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i have an allotment and the site is awash with morons lol. they will all be cryin next spring when all there seedlings are scoffed by bunnys mate, i dont have rabbits on my site yet as its only been open 2 years but they are only 200 yards away and have easy access via the adjacent rail track cant wait for the invasion.

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She sounded happy mate :D She will understand when there are back doing damage to fences crops and digging holes right lefted and center.Hope you get to keep it pal . How did u stay cool? if she would've just missed my rifle i would have pinned her down and farted in her mouth :D atb

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I had one good do,er in a caravan on one of my perms came out and asked me what i was doing, there i was with my rifle and dressed in full camo kit so i told him the truth that i was going fishing he did not know what to say to that and even the farmer had to hold on to the van she was laughing so much.wait untill they have no veg for sunday lunch then tell them to ******* off when they phone you atvbmac

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  On 01/11/2012 at 17:09, Polkey said:

It might be worth seeing if you can attend the meeting and offer to give a short talk on the damage rabbit do (which im sure they already know) and the service you provide free of charge to help keep them under control and there allotments safe, It might help.

It depends on how bothered you are about hanging on to the permission. If it was me I would bend over backwards to keep it just to piss her off!

Hope it works out for you mate!


Totally agree, get in there...... A perfect opportunity to give your explanation of why you're there etc. Also if there's representation from other allotments I'm sure there will be other's that would welcome your services!


Go get um.....


ATB, Andy

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