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springer dosent like carrying game help!

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because in the park you dont have the scents of bunnies pheasants etc the dog is finding all these different scents and going into overdrive [natural] you should still be able to control your dog with the whistle tho & if not you should go back to basics as you can imagine your dog picking up the scent of a bunny/pheasant and it decides to chase it over a road ! stop whistle would save its life mate good luck -billy

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Sounds like the usual too much to young, She thinks she knows it all . She is only doing what you have aked her to do .

Stop all hunting and retreveing now, and use heal. sit and stay until she knows YOU are boss, and if she behaves let her hunt, but not too much as as soon as she gets her head down call her back .

You should be able to be in a wood full of pheasents and call her to heal and she must remain at heal until told other wise.

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cheers for all advice


can get over the difference in her from park to field.


i also have never really had her on the lead much as she walks to heal good and when walking her near roads if i cross the road she knows not to cross unless i tell her to as if i walk on out onto road with out telling her to stay will Will still not cross until told.


more obedience training is in order ¡



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Without putting water on your fire the dog seems to have touched on a lot of area`s in it`s training but has`nt mastered each category proficiently.The problem is that it`s only going to become more dificult with the age of the dog "You can`t teach an old dog new trick`s" ,YES AT 14 MONTHS.To put things into prospective ( I`ve trialled dogs dogs at this age ).This is why the training has to start at 8 weeks !!!


Read the dog.


This is the biggest single area were people fail with dogs,the majority of dog handlers in the shooting field fail to be able to tell whether a dog is being defiant or does not understand what is being asked of it.

Take the delivery of game to hand,i regularly spectate dogs coming into hand,standing off/or head down with the handler virtually picking the bird off the floor ( sloppy delivery ).So the manual states " put bird in mouth and pat dog on head " WHAT PRAISE A DOG FOR BEING DEFIANT " ?

NB. A dog of a nervous disposition can also be defiant.


Stop Whistle


If it won`t stop on the lead to the whistle "Why let it off the lead" !!!! and the correction applies 1 yard to 600,get your arse out there or you may as well stick that whistle where the sun don`t shine.


Gud Luck. ( you`ll need it ).

Edited by camokev64
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  On 28/12/2012 at 21:38, camokev64 said:



Without putting water on your fire the dog seems to have touched on a lot of area`s in it`s training but has`nt mastered each category proficiently.The problem is that it`s only going to become more dificult with the age of the dog "You can`t teach an old dog new trick`s" ,YES AT 14 MONTHS.To put things into prospective ( I`ve trialed dogs dogs at this age ).This why the training has to start at 8 weeks !!!


Read the dog.


This is the biggest single area were people fail with dogs,the majority of dog handlers in the shooting field fail to be able to tell whether a dog is being defiant or does not understand what is being asked of it.

Take the delivery of game to hand,i regularly spectate dogs coming into hand,standing off/or head down with the handler virtually picking the bird off the floor ( sloppy delivery ).So the manual states " put bird in mouth and pat dog on head " WHAT PRAISE A DOG FOR BEING DEFIANT " ?

NB. A dog of a nervous position can also be defiant.


Stop Whistle


If it won`t stop on the lead to the whistle "Why let it off the lead" !!!! and the correction applies 1 yard to 600,get your arse out there or you may as well stick that whistle where the sun don`t shine.


Gud Luck. ( you`ll need it ).

What do you teach your dogs to do at 8 weeks? :hmm:
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Just got settled in after another days soaking,why i took 7 dogs out picking up, when i could of got by with 2 has bugged me today.8 towels later,but all tucked up now in the kennels with the wood burner on,happy days.

Right Lab -tastic,

I`ve touched on the 8 week start of training in a previous topic.

This is the time when most puppies should be coming away from the family group,no sooner.

From eight weeks the pup should be in the house getting use to all human social habits of everyday life ( a cage is a very useful thing to have,allowing the pup to condition to a closure situation and when meal times are in progress).

At 8 weeks you can sow the seeds of a real human/dog bond.Use the hallway in the house walking backwards with a rolled up sock in your hand moving your hand left to right at your feet,focusing the dogs attention to the sock ( yes you`ve just started your dog quartering ).When you reach the end of the hallway hold the dog in your hands and throw the sock 2/3 yards in front of you,yes the dog will wriggle but keep hold of the dog until you spot dog at the precise moment it appears to loose interest,release the dog encouraging the retrieve ( yes you just sowed the seeds of a dog to be patient at the peg or steady to flush ).Dont worry if the dog does not immediately retrieve the sock to you,it will come eventually.Also make sure the dog can not run and hide behind anything with the sock ( more so in cockers ).5 MINUTES 2/3 TIMES A DAY MAX TO START.

I am actually schooling a client at the moment with a cocker which has just reached 12 weeks and has also progressed today to informal lead training.

At 16 weeks the dog will come in to my kennels to complete it`s full training.


As Roy Castle "God bless his sole" always parted with ! DEDICATION`S WHAT YOU NEED !

Edited by camokev64
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  On 29/12/2012 at 21:12, camokev64 said:

Just got settled in after another days soaking,why i took 7 dogs out picking up, when i could of got by with 2 has bugged me today.8 towels later,but all tucked up now in the kennels with the wood burner on,happy days.

Right Lab -tastic,

I`ve touched on the 8 week start of training in a previous topic.

This is the time when most puppies are coming away from the family group,no sooner.

From eight weeks the pup should be in the house getting use to all human social habits of everyday life ( a cage is a very useful thing to have,allowing the pup to condition to a closure situation and when meal times are in progress).

At 8 weeks you can sow the seeds of a real human/dog bond.Use the hallway in the house walking backwards with a rolled up sock in your hand moving your hand left to right at your feet,focusing the dogs attention to the sock ( yes you`ve just started your dog quartering ).When you reach the end of the hallway hold the dog in your hands and throw the sock 2/3 yards in front of you,yes the dog will wriggle but keep hold of the dog until you spot dog at the precise moment it appears to loose interest,release the dog encouraging the retrieve ( yes you just sowed the seeds of a dog to be patient at the peg or steady to flush ).Dont worry if the dog does not immediately retrieve the sock to you,it will come eventually.Also make sure the dog can not run and hide behind anything with the sock ( more so in cockers ).5 MINUTES 2/3 TIMES A DAY MAX TO START.

I am actually schooling a client at the moment with a cocker which has just reached 12 weeks and has also progressed today to informal lead training.

At 16 weeks the dog will come in to my kennels to complete it`s full training.


As Roy Castle "God bless his sole" always parted with ! DEDICATION`S WHAT YOU NEED !

7 dogs picking up..... :laugh: I'm sorry but when you took the dog into the house you lost me so i'll leave it there. Theres no doubt in my mind you know how to train a dog but your worlds apart from me mate. ATB... :thumbs:
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There is some good stuff here and I for one agree with Kev start early, master one and move on. I have a fully trained gun dog at 8 months old, when I say fully trained he hunts retrieves not quite to hand but drops it in front of me whether it's feather or rabbit, swims the lot. I have to master the to hand bit and directions back is done I'm on left right now. I got a 15 month ESS in Nov and she has done very little the pup learnt sit, stay, come, very quick very young I'm struggling with the new one to master sit and stay as I walk away as she is set in her ways.


Let a pup be a pup call it play or training but it's easier to teach good habits rather than try to get them out of bad habits.

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try going back to when you first started with her, go back to dummies and balls for a couple of weeks. then put a wing onto half a dummy same with rabbit skin until she's happy carrying them around. Never use wood pigeons on a young dog, a partridge is a good full bird to use. Have you ever told her off for pegging birds or rabbits?

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  On 29/12/2012 at 22:47, Philluk said:

There is some good stuff here and I for one agree with Kev start early, master one and move on. I have a fully trained gun dog at 8 months old, when I say fully trained he hunts retrieves not quite to hand but drops it in front of me whether it's feather or rabbit, swims the lot. I have to master the to hand bit and directions back is done I'm on left right now. I got a 15 month ESS in Nov and she has done very little the pup learnt sit, stay, come, very quick very young I'm struggling with the new one to master sit and stay as I walk away as she is set in her ways.


Let a pup be a pup call it play or training but it's easier to teach good habits rather than try to get them out of bad habits.

Youve not got a fully trained gundog at 8 months.... :thumbs:
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