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Ferreting with the 3 legged ferret

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So here goes the first write up...............


I was out out the start of the week helping a friend out with problem rabbits on in his old mans horse paddocks. all i need to fetch was the disco carrot, some collars and the long nets/ stop nets. left my stinkers back at base camp as the lad i was out with got 4 ferrets 2 sandys jills (3 year olds) , one polecat jill ( this years) and stumpy maximuss :whistling: a albino jill with only 3 legs. she was born this year and from the very start buy all acounts she has been the boss of the kits first on the food and last one to stop playfighting.


We collared all the ferret up and made sure stumpys was extra secure as we were unsure on how she would get on :hmm: . Well the first set we got to was the the biggest of the day about 16ish holes on a bank with a good bit of a cover for escaping rabbits about 15 yards away in the form of a hedge and brambles. So out came the stop net and the new trammel net to minimizze losse. We put 3 down a sandy and the 2 young ones down . The idea was the sandy jill with the experince would teach the young 2 about the "rabbitng game" so to speak. Within about 2 minutes of the ferret being down the we had a bolt, the rabbit broke free of the purse and ran the total oppsite way 2 what we expected it to go running to the furhest bit of cover away from the stop nets sod's law 101 their :laugh: . Not the best of starts granted :cray: ,but soon the rabbits were more oblinging the next hit the purse net and held and was quickly dispatched. The next rabbit pursed perfectly with the young pole cat hot on it's tail. We had another bolt from a missed bolt hole that ran staright in to the trammel net and it was not going anywere fast. The last rabbit from set was bolted by stumpy who was hot on it's heels :toast: .


The next set was a 6 hole which we pursed and stopnetted up we entered the 2 young jills and got 2 farelly quickly ( 1 to the trammel net, 1 purse net) then all went quite for abit then out came the disco carrot we got a mark down of about 3ft so out came the spade. sure enought 3 foot we broke into a dead rabbit mid tunnel with ith the polecat and stumpy on it tucking in. After back filling we moved on 2 the next set which was a mixture of fencing and hedges about 15 yards in length. The 2 adult sandys were used on this one within a few minutes we had a very fast bolt which pursed the net and pulled the peg out with the rabbit ruining with the net it hit the trammel and was well and truley caught. Rabbit number 2 from this warren shot out from a proctetced hole by brambles and ran down the hedge line into stop net. The last rabbit from the set was the second dig of the day, we new were it was before we had the disco carrot out as we could hear the thumping then the ferret get on it it. sure enought their it was.


The last set of the the day was a real problem one for the horse's as it was in the middle of the field on a slight bank. it was only four holes but perfect for hores to come unstuck on . The landower had even put fencing post round it stop the horse hurting themsleves. in went stumpy and the polecat and out popped one rabbit to the poke net.


so with a few rabbits in the bag not the biggest bag by any means but a good days ferreting with good company, good ferrets and a good craic what more could you ask for?



Btw still trying to work out this uploader so more pics on the way


atb dangermouse :thumbs:



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