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Chelsea Allegations.

Guest bezza

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Did Clattenburg really call Mikel a monkey?

I find it dificult to believe.

.Mikel must be six feet four and he was standing about three feet from Clattenburg! Guys who shout racist remarks like that are generally weasels hiding in the crowd.

'Monkey' seems a more serious racial remark than 'black b*****d' which could be said in the heat of the moment and be no more racist than 'fat b*****d' or 'bald b*****d' in my opinion.I think if it is proved that

Chelsea have concocted this simply because they lost the match they should be demoted..

All will be revealed when the linesmen (who were miked up) report what was said.

I suspect it will be confusion arising from Clattenburg's geordie accent together with Mikel not having English as his first language.But I'm often wrong.


On a different issue, I believe referees now work in intolerable conditions.You can see the stress and fear in their faces when they group up with the linesmen at the end of the match. They know they are going to be in face -to -face confrontations with players and managers as soon as they get into the tunnel.Plus they get hassle at home from disgruntled fans in terms of phone calls, letters etc. Even their kids get hassle at school.

They should be given at least the same powers as rugby refs, including the use of playback in my opinion.

Edited by bezza
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  On 31/10/2012 at 13:17, bezza said:

Did Clattenburg really call Mikel a monkey?

I find it dificult to believe.

.Mikel must be six feet four and he was standing about three feet from Clattenburg! Guys who shout racist remarks like that are generally weasels hiding in the crowd.

'Monkey' seems a more serious racial remark than 'black b*****d' which could be said in the heat of the moment and be no more racist than 'fat b*****d' or 'bald b*****d' in my opinion.I think if it is proved that

Chelsea have concocted this simply because they lost the match they should be demoted..

All will be revealed when the linesmen (who were miked up) report what was said.

I suspect it will be confusion arising from Clattenburg's geordie accent together with Mikel not having English as his first language.But I'm often wrong.


On a different issue, I believe referees now work in intolerable conditions.You can see the stress and fear in their faces when they group up with the linesmen at the end of the match. They know they are going to be in face -to -face confrontations with players and managers as soon as they get into the tunnel.Plus they get hassle at home from disgruntled fans in terms of phone calls, letters etc. Even their kids get hassle at school.

They should be given at least the same powers as rugby refs, including the use of playback in my opinion.


In many cases a big stick and the freedom to use it would be better!


Like you, I find it hard to believe too, but we'll hopefully find out.

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totally agree with you bezza, could be wrong but said straight away he never said or done anythink wrong, refs need strong linesmen or women to help them as much aS POSSIBLE but do they? no chance they just dont want the hassle of a mistake on their hands as the media would be all over them, i havnt got a problem with refs making mistakes as long as its a minor, anyway if mark has said it then man hes goneeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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The same as this f****n boring racism nonsense has taken over every other walk of British life its now taking over football.......you dont see this crap in Spain,Italy or Germany..............personally i couldnt give a shit if a grown adult calls another grown adult a name be it white black fat or ugly.......blacks are now being babied in football just like they are babied in employment in housing and every other walk of life,the " hard done by " black thing is becoming as big a joke as the word racist its like swearing you say " f**k " once it shocks you say it every other word it loses its meaning.

As for referees they are treated no different than they ever were,sadly a few of them want to become celebrities in their own right and due to societies obssession with every move a footballer makes we are now going to see the same with these celebrity referees..................if these incidents were not broadcast to the general public they would never get off the ground simply because proper sports people are not really all that interested in 2 grown men calling each other names.

Edited by gnasher16
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I feel for him because his whole career looks like it will now go up in smoke. Its hard to beleive a pro ref putting his reputation and job on the line with a remark like that.....


even if he is found innocent the poor bloke will always be tarnished by a minority with this now......

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I think the refs have a hard time of it. Every decision they make is dissected after the match by the media with the benefit of multiple camera angles and slow motion, then every mistake is highlighted in the papers and on programs like match of the day. They have to make every decision there and then and call it as they see it, and sometimes they're bound to get it wrong..


I hate the way the sport of football is becoming almost background compared to the rest of the circus that surrounds it. Last week on Match of the Day they spoke more about Ferdinand not wearing a poxy T shirt than the 6 goal United/Stoke match they were supposed to be talking about. Things like that piss me off. All bollocks and very little actual insight..

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  On 31/10/2012 at 14:03, Malt said:

I think the refs have a hard time of it. Every decision they make is dissected


A refs job has not changed 1 dot from years gone by Malt....the games quicker yes,but then refs are fitter so it evens itself out......decisions were always dissected by people who watch football.......and thats the only difference a referees decision is now up for public debate by the whole of society they have become more than just sports officials..................go back 20/30 years,did you even know the name of 1 referee ?.............now we know there name where they,re from what they do,old wombles queing in tescos will be talking about Mark Clattenburg where years ago they didnt know players names let alone referees.

I believe nearly all these problems we see in the game today are not football problems they are society problems that football has to pay the price for.

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  On 31/10/2012 at 13:31, gnasher16 said:

The same as this f****n boring racism nonsense has taken over every other walk of British life its now taking over football.......you dont see this crap in Spain,Italy or Germany..............personally i couldnt give a shit if a grown adult calls another grown adult a name be it white black fat or ugly.......blacks are now being babied in football just like they are babied in employment in housing and every other walk of life,the " hard done by " black thing is becoming as big a joke as the word racist its like swearing you say " f**k " once it shocks you say it every other word it loses its meaning.

As for referees they are treated no different than they ever were,sadly a few of them want to become celebrities in their own right and due to societies obssession with every move a footballer makes we are now going to see the same with these celebrity referees..................if these incidents were not broadcast to the general public they would never get off the ground simply because proper sports people are not really all that interested in 2 grown men calling each other names.

. Well said you cockney fooker
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I'm not saying the jobs changed Gnash, but the conditions they have to do it in have. :yes: I don't remember there being so much scrutiny and public berating by managers and football writers back in the days before such clear TV images and multi angle replays where the norm like they are today. Maybe we have different views because you are at the games and don't have to pay much attention to all the bollocks that comes with following the sport via the TV and papers to get your fix of football like I do? :hmm::thumbs:

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I'm an old git so can remember attending games in the fifites.Fans didn't scream foul abuse at the refs or question decisions in the way they do now.Objects were never thrown at refs, nor were they spat at by fans.

Society was generally much more authoritarian in those days. People for good or bad accepted authority much more readily.

Nowadays youngsters don't have the same fear of authority which my generation had. Cops, teachers, referees etc are seen as there to be challenged, not instantly obeyed.

You can even see young kids playing school football, screaming at decisions, accepting cautions by spitting on the deck and staring aggressively at the ref..It's ridiculous, makes me want to kick their arses.They have learned this behaviour from the professional game.

The most ridiculous thing to have crept into football is squaring up to opponents.Surely managers should fine and ban players who get booked or sent off for violent conduct?

Why oh why don't the players involved simply agree to meet up after the match and sort it out eyeball to eyeball instead of all this tough guy handbags on the field of play? It spoils the flow of the game- all for their precious egos. Drives me daft.

I would hesitate to take my grandkids to a match nowadays. I would be so tense wondering what would be chanted or what situation would kick off that it wouldn't be worth it.

Edited by bezza
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I'm no fan of Clattenburg - he's too high profile for my liking as a referee.

But . .

I don't think for one minute that he called John Obi Mikel a "monkey" .

If he called him it on the pitch a good lip reading expert could soon sort that one out , and looking at the footage it seems that Clattenberg said very little to Mikel - In fact Mikel was the one screaming at the referee.

So the "society of black lawyers" has called for a police investigation - If I was Clattenburg, I'd push for that investigation, I'd have a lie detector test, do anything to expose this cheap little prick Mikel.

The same Mikel who signed for Man Utd then denied it only to sign for Chelsea.

If Clattenburg is found not guilty - as I expect he will be, Mikel should be charged with perverting the course of justice and banned from football for life.

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Poor losers Chelsea, if they'd have won you wouldn't of heard a thing. The club's got related racist history so it's a bit rich what'sbeing claimed, aka Terry and that guy who had a go at Evra 'tother year plus the club at ground level is run by the elder statesmen there, Terry again, Cole etc and one or two of the backroom staff. Soft blue noses, seems like Mikel has been badly advised by the afore mentioned here

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This country is the laughing stock of the world EU law that no one else upholds , race debarcels that the rest of europe would laugh at human rights cases draging on for years , half the chelsea team are from countrys that have no fooking law then come here and scream blue murder Foooking gobshites the lot of us for letting it happen

Edited by gonetoearth
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