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Ferrets that come away froma rabbit

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a ferret that leaves a dead rabbit will leave a live one,

how common is a 6ft dig?

not very round here anyway,

leaveing dead rabbits or assed up ones is bad news


Well . . . . . . that's bollocks!


Ferrets that leave dead bunnys wont necessarily leave live ones, i got ferrets here that once dead and shaken about, the rabbit is of no interest, and yet will stick all day on a live one.


And as for how common is 6ft - some places, nearly all the warrens run 6-10 foot in places. Deepest we have had is a ten footer!


Ideally no one wants to leave a dead rabbit, but id swap a hell of a lot of rabbits for my ferrets, especially in undiggable places!

so when a rabbit is wedged in real tight an the ferrets only get a little bit of the back end how they no its dead check for a pulse?

6 ft round here on the chalk aint that common trust me,

and as for dragging a rabbit out its happend a few times over the years but ferrets grab an pull back if the hole mouth is behind them an close then thats lucky for us,

i dont think its something they do on purpose

i no if ferret behind ppl with leavers ill fnd rabbits the same cannot be said for me

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It's a fine balance, I work plenty of deep places, and when a ferrets going 10- 15ft down and then not moving for hours, its frankly a pain in the arse, as I don't want to be digging it or hanging rou

my ferrets never lie up there always worked with a bit of grub in them if they get a rabbit they will kill it and move on if they get one well weged in a block end that they can only claw at they wil

i give my ferrets a small feed before a hunt so they tend not to lay up to long , if they have been laid up and came away i've usually already gotten a fix with the locater and if its handy enough di

a ferret that leaves a dead rabbit will leave a live one,

how common is a 6ft dig?

not very round here anyway,

leaveing dead rabbits or assed up ones is bad news


Well . . . . . . that's bollocks!


Ferrets that leave dead bunnys wont necessarily leave live ones, i got ferrets here that once dead and shaken about, the rabbit is of no interest, and yet will stick all day on a live one.


And as for how common is 6ft - some places, nearly all the warrens run 6-10 foot in places. Deepest we have had is a ten footer!


Ideally no one wants to leave a dead rabbit, but id swap a hell of a lot of rabbits for my ferrets, especially in undiggable places!

so when a rabbit is wedged in real tight an the ferrets only get a little bit of the back end how they no its dead check for a pulse?

6 ft round here on the chalk aint that common trust me,

and as for dragging a rabbit out its happend a few times over the years but ferrets grab an pull back if the hole mouth is behind them an close then thats lucky for us,

i dont think its something they do on purpose

i no if ferret behind ppl with leavers ill fnd rabbits the same cannot be said for me


Check for a pulse?


I couldn't tell you how they know, but they do.


I realise that deep digs are not the norm everywhere and i'd say most of ours are between 2-4 foot, with some places 1ft being standard and some places 5ft plus, being the norm.


R.e rabbit dragging, i realise its not an intentional retrieve, they are just trying to pull it into more space to kill it i expect, but i was just commenting that it DOEs happen sometimes, and some ferrets seem to do it more than others.


As long as you are happy with you ferrets and they work for you, thats what counts, but i cant imagine anything more of a pain than a ferret that stuck solid for the long haul on every dead rabbit. I'm happy enough that we dont leave any rabbits behind that are alive, and the odd dead un abandoned down there is just life.

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Jai I am dissapointed in you not training your ferts in first aid :laugh:


ATB Cookie


:laugh: I went for basic car mechanics instead mate, saved me a fortune.


What your ferts are on the spanners :laugh:

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Personally wouldn't want them to stay with a dead rabbit too long, long enough to get a mark and make a decision if you can dig or no!!!!

I would love to have loads of open warrens and easy digging but I don't ...mainly deep, thick horrible hedges..... I've never lost a ferret and we obviously dig when required, but I would rather keep moving and bolting than digging to a sticker that won't move....


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Lost one for a week before i had the collars my son ,myself or the guys we go out with aren't shy about our turn on the spade , often two will stay at a dig if its a deep one and the other one can ferret on untill we catch up

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